June 2nd 1869 I went to the Endowm[en]t House at 10 oclok &
G Q. Cannon Baptized me for the following dead
Daniel Carter Great Grandfater to Phebe W Carter W.
Grand Father Ezra Carter to Phebe W Carter Woodruff
Grand Father Joshua Fabyan to Phebe W Carter Woodruff.
Great Uncle John Fabyan to Phebe W Carter Woodruff
Uncle John Fabyan to Phebe W Carter Woodruff
Uncle George Fabyan to Phebe W Carter Woodruff
Uncle Joseph Fabyan to Phebe W Carter Woodruff To[tal] 7.
^ For her Mother Sarah Carter wife of Ezra Carter
G Q. Cannon Baptized Phebe W Carter Woodruff for the following person
Grand Mother Dinah Woodruff wife of Eldad Woodruff to Wilford Woodruff
Grand Mother Anna Thompson wife of Lot Thompson to Wilford Woodruff
Step Aunt wife of Asahel Hart to Wilford Woodruff
Step Aunt Sofrona Hart (Total 5) to Wilford Woodruff
I made the following Record from my Journal
On the 21 day of April 1842 I was Baptized in the font For my
Mother Bulah Woodruff & my two half Brothers Philo & Asahel
Woodruff sons of Azubah & Aphek Woodruff see Journal April 21 1842
On the 15 May 1842 I was Baptized fo in the Font for my
Great Grand Father Josiah ^Medad Eligah^ Woodruff & My Great Grand Mother
wife of Josiahah ^Elijah Medad^ Woodruff see Journal
was Baptized for Lewie Woodruff wife of uncle Eldad ^Woodruff^
On the 29 May 1842 I was Baptized under the hands of G A Smith
For my Grand Father Eldad Woodruff & My Grand Mother
Dinah Woodruff (Also uncle Eldad Woodruff) see Journal May 29 1842
On the 30 May 1842 I was Baptized in the Font under the Hands
of George A Smith for My Great Grand Father ^Samuel Thompson^ Thompson & my
Great Grand Mother Thompson. Hannah North
Also For My Grand Father Lot Thompson & My Grand Mother
Anna Thompson wife of Lot thompson see Journal May 30 1842
The synopsis of my Journal in 1842 says I was Baptized for 17 I find but 9
Aug 26 1844 I was Baptized in the river under the Hands of G A Smith
for Uncle Cyrus Thompson ^Aunt^ Sylva Thompson, Cousin Hyram Barber
Aunt ^Cousin^ Anna Hart, Cousin Electa Woodruff, total 5. see Journal
Uncle Asahel Hart, wife of Asahel Hart, Uncle Joseph Hart
aunt Sopho Sophrona Hart wife of Joseph Hart, ^uncle^ Adna Hart, Aunt
Eunice Hart, The Prophet Robert Mason, Uncle Erastus Hart
Aunt ^Cousin^ Milla ^Emelia^ Woodruff Aunt ^Cousin^ Hellennry Woodruff, Laura Hoskins
Marietta Hoskins, Wakemen Standly & Hellen Woodruff
Total 19 se Journal
G Q. Cannon Baptized Phebe W Carter Woodruff
For W W. Grandmother Dinah Woodruff wife of Eldad Woodruff
for W W Grand Mother Anna Thompson wife of Lot Thompson
for her Mother Sarah Fabyan Carter
Sophrona Hart, And wife of Asahel Hart name not known
Total 5, Baptized in Font Grea Salt Lake City see Journal
I Find in the Baptismal records of Nauvoo in the Historians office
that Phebe W. Carter Woodruff was Baptized for the following persons
Mehetable Bracket, Edmund Eastman, Ruth Eastman,
Elizabeth Hagget, Betsey Hagget, & Olive Moulton
June 2nd 1869 G Q Cannon Baptized W. Woodruff For & in behalf of
Daniel Carter G G Father to Pheb W CWoodruff & Grand Father Ezra Carter
Grand Father Joshua Fabyan, Great Uncle John Fabyan, Uncle
John Fabyan, Uncle George Fabyan & Uncle Joseph Fabyan
see Journal
see Journal June 1, 1870
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