Oct 7, 1871. Conference Met at 10 oclok J. F. Smith prayed
Isaac Grow spoke 22 Minutes. I was called upon
in the commencement of the Meeting to go to Faust's stables
whare the U. S. Court was held & give Bale or Be Bondsman
for Elder George Q Cannon who had a warrant issued
against him the same as against President Young & Wells
after staying half an hour I was informed that it was put
off so I again went to conference David Mckenzie
spoke 30 M[inutes] & E F Sheets 18.
Afternoon G. Q. Cannon Prayed & Authorities were
presented & accepted & Missionaries called. A Hatch
then spoke to the people & while speaking Elder George
Q Cannon was Notifyed that the sherriff had called
to Arest him. John & myself Taylor accom-
panied him to the court room & Became his bondsmen
in the sum of $5000 dollars for his Appearance at court
on Next Friday. We then returned to the meeting
& Brother Stanes was speaking. He spoke 19 M[inutes], A O Smoot
spoke 15 M
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