29. Sunday 29A large assembly of Sabbath school children
Met at 8:30 & was addressed by R. T. Burton G. Q. Cannon
& W Woodruff. The general assembly met at
10 oclok. R T Burton spoke 22 M[inutes], Wm W Cluff 11,
Samuel Atwood 15 M, and G Q Cannon 61 M
Afternoon G Q Cannon spoke 8 M, W Woodruff
55 M, G Q Cannon read the 9 Ch of Alma, on
Priesthood. J Taylor spoke 45 M G Q Cannon read
the Rules of the United Order. At the close of the
Meeting we went to Provo River & G Q Cannon
Baptized 23 which were confirmed By John Taylor
and W. Woodruff
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