30. we left Heber City went down Provo River to Provo
Here we heard of the Breaking of the bank of Calafornia
and the drowning of Ralston and also of Wm
Harris having shot himself in the Head distance 25 M
We took cars at Provo and arived in Salt Lake
City in the Evening 50 Mi[les].
while coming down Provo Canyon we met a company
of Men & boys Hunting an old she griserly bear & her two
cubs they had killed quite a Number of sheep, the
Man had got the two cubs would weigh about 100 lb
each & badly wounded the old one with several balls &
one leg broaken they probably got, wher. we soon
met another man who had killed a cinamon bear
On our arival in the city I called upon President
Young and Attended a Meeting of the board of the United
Order at his office Elder G Q Cannon and myself called
upon Brother George Albert Smith and found him vary
low we laid hands upon him Administered to him
and blessed for the last time in this life
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it is the duty of the Twelve to know the mind and will of God concerning them and their duties as much as for me to know it
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