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Day in the Life

Jan 24, 1877

Journal Entry

January 24, 1877 ~ Wednesday

24. I spent the day at the Temple thank God for the privilege we bapti-
zed 251 for the dead A H Raleigh confirmed 105 H W Bigler 55
David H Cannon 101, W Woodruff 3. I wrote 5 letters to
[FIGURE 1] Phebe A Snow Leslie, Orion, Milton, & Flossy Snow I wrote
a letter to G. Q. Cannon I called upon President Young a short time
then went to the 4th ward school House, and spoke a short time


Browse people Wilford Woodruff mentioned on this day in his journal.

Raleigh, Alonzo Hazeltine
7 Nov 1818 - 13 May 1901
75 mentions
Young, Brigham
1 Jun 1801 - 29 Aug 1877
3317 mentions
Apostle, Family
Cannon, David Henry
23 Apr 1838 - 24 Dec 1924
141 mentions
Cannon, George Quayle
11 Jan 1827 - 12 Apr 1901
2018 mentions
Bigler, Henry William
28 Aug 1815 - 27 Nov 1900
20 mentions
Snow, Leslie Woodruff
6 Feb 1862 - 28 Nov 1935
176 mentions
Snow, Milton Woodruff
7 Feb 1868 - 24 Jan 1943
24 mentions
Snow, Orion Woodruff
7 Sep 1866 - 7 Mar 1939
52 mentions
Snow, Phebe Amelia Woodruff
4 Mar 1842 - 15 Feb 1919
337 mentions
34 mentions


View selected events in the two months surrounding this date in Wilford Woodruff's life.

Church membership reaches 115,065.
Wilford receives revelation authorizing proxy ordinances for his family by non-relatives.
In honor of Wilford's 70th birthday, 154 women serve as proxies in ordinances for his deceased female relatives.
Wilford and others finished writing down the ceremonies and temple procedures.

Jan 24, 1877