Day in the Life

Jan 1, 1877

Journal Entry

January 01, 1877 ~ Monday

Jan 1, 1877
A crown A single key with teeth to the right A single key with teeth to the right A single key with teeth to the right A single key with teeth to the right This is a vary important day to the Church and
Kingdom of God on the Earth. President Brigham Young, The
Apostles Wilford Woodruff, Erastus Snow, Brigham Young jr
with some two Thousand Saints assembled within the walls
of the Temple of our God, built in St George, for the purpose of
Dedicating certain portions of it unto God that we might be prepared
to commence giving Endowments and Blessings and sealings
unto the Saints. at 30 Minuts past 12 oclok Elder W. Woodruff
stood on the upper step of the Font and called the attention of
the people and said we are this day blessed with a privilege that
but few since the days of Adam have Ever Enjoyed, but few of
the sons of Adam have Ever had the privilege of Entering into a
Temple built By the commandment of God in which to admi-
nister ordinances both for the living and the dead. We have
now assembled to dedicate portions of this Temple unto God, and I
have a request to make of all the saints who are present and I
suppose all who are profess to be Saints for none others should be
here. I realize that this assembly cannot bow the knee in their
crouded condition But you can bow your heads and your
hearts unto God and this I want you to do this day and those
who offer up Prayers in the dedication of this Temple I want
their words repeated in secret by this assembly befor the Lord
that our prayers may assend into the Ears of the Lord of Sabaoth
that they may be answerd upon our heads. The saints do not prize as
they should the blessings they enjoy, at the cloths [close] of thes remarks
The following Hymn was sung The spirit of God like a fire is burning
Then Erastus Snow anounced that Elder Wilford Woodruff
would offer the dedication Prayer

The dedication Prayer of Elder Wilford Woodruff

O God our Heavenly Father, the Father of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob
Thou who hast created the Heavens the Earth the seas and the
fountains of living waters and all things that dwell therein
except of the gratitude of our hearts and the Thanksgiving of thy
people that Thou hast preserved theour lives of thy people to again
enter into another Temple which hath been built by thy Saints
in these vallies of the mountains in which to organize the Holy
and to administer the ordinances of the gospel of
the Son of God both for the living and the dead. O our God we thy
sons and daughters have assembled together in the Name of thy
Son Jesus Christ within the walls of this Temple this day for the
purpose of dedicating and consecrating a portion of this house
unto the Lord our God that it may be Holy and acceptable in thy
sight. May the prayers of thy people ascend into thine ears O
Lord, and be heard and answerd upon their heads. We now
dedicate this Temple Block, the land, the water tank, the fencing,
and all appertaining thereto that it may be Holy in thy sight
we dedicate and consecrate the foundation upon which this
Temple stands that it may be Holy unto the Lord our God. This
foundation has been created through much labor and diligence
of thy servants, and we Pray O God that thy blessings may
rest upon it that it may remain as Firm as the foundation of
the Everlasting Hills that it may not be moved to the injury
of this Temple which is built upon its foundation. We dedicate
the outer walls of this Temple unto thy name O Lord that they may
be Holy and all the materials of which they are composed the
rock, the mortar, the sand, the lime, the plastering inside and out

and every material that is used in their construction that
it may be sanctified unto the Lord. We dedicate all the windows
belonging to this Basement story, the sills, the frames, the sash,
the glass, the Putty, the weights the cords the fastnings the paints
and all the material of which they are composed that they may
be Holy unto the Lord. We dedicate all the outer stepts or stairways
leading to the Temple, with the railings the stone wood Iron, lead
and all materials of which they are composed. We dedicate unto
the Lord all the inner walls of the Temple with all the materials of
which they are composed that they may be Holy. We dedicate
all the doors of the basement unto the Lord with the frames bolts screws
locks and all fastnings that they may be Holy. We dedicate unto
thy most Holy Name the font which thy people have Erected for
the ordinance of Baptism for the living and the dead. We dedicate
the flaging, the foundation upon which the font stands unto the
Lord. we dedicate the Twelve Oxen that bear up the font that
they may be Holy. We dedicate the font itself with the steps leading
to it and the railing and all materials of which they are composed
the castings, the Iron, stone, or wood and we pray that they
may be acceptable unto thee O Lord Our God. We dedicate the
Boiler the Engine, and the pipes leading to the font, and washing
baths for the washing of thy People unto thee O Lord, that they
may be Holy. We dedicate the railing that surrounds the font
unto thee. We dedicate unto the Lord our God the rooms which
will be used by thy people for the Creation, the Garden, the Telestial
the Terrestrial and for the washing and anointing of thy people
and all other rooms the water tank, and all belonging to this basement
story of this Temple of the Lord Our God. We dedicate and

consecrate all the materials of which these rooms are composed
The timbers, the Joist, the flooring, and the nails that they may be Holy
unto the Lord. We dedicate all the frame petitions with the curtains
and doors thereoff that they may be holy and acceptable unto the
Lord. We dedicate all the carpeting which is laid upon the floors unto
the Lord our God, that the labor of the Mothers and Daughters of
Zion may be acceptable in the sight of all Heaven. We dedicate all
the Alters with their covering and trimings which are used in
these rooms unto the Lord our God praying that they may be acceptable
unto thee. We dedicate unto the Lord all the chairs Benches and all
materials which shall be used in the seating of thy people in the rooms of
this house. We dedicate unto the Lord all the furniture made use of
in the rooms of this house the desks, stands, stoves, pipes, wood Boxes
and all materials that they may be Holy unto the Lord. We dedicate
all the pillars and beems resting upon the pillars erected in the lower
rooms of this Temple for the support of the upper rooms that they may
be Holy unto the Lord. We dedicate all the stairways leading from the
basement to the upper rooms with the starsirs and railing and all
materials made use of in their construction that they may be
Holy and we dedicate all the white washing and painting and
Plastering inside and out, and any material not heretofore named
made use off in the construction of this Temple that it may be Holy
unto the Lord our God. And we ask thee our Father in heaven in
the Name of thy Son Jesus Christ that thou wilt accept of this
Temple at the Hands of thy Saints both Male and females who
have built it unto thy Holy Name, and may no unclean thing
be permitted to Enter therein. Wilt thou Bless all of thy servants
and handmadens with the spirit and power of God who shall

administer in any of the ordinances of life and salvation within
the walls of this House And all thy People who Enter the threshhold
of this Temple may they feel thy power and be constrained to
acknowledge that the Power of God rests upon it And we ask
in the name of Jesus Christ the son of the living God that the prayer
offerd up in the further dedications of other parts of this house this
day or at any future time in the dedication of this house by
those holding the Apostleship or Holy Priesthood that there prayers
may enter into the ears of the Lord of Sabaoth and be answered
upon the heads of thy people. [Doctrine and Covenants 88:2] O Lord be not angry with thy
servants while we continue our supplications befor thee in
this the Temple of our God. Thou has said that thou would
take unto thyself them whom thou woulds take and preserve
in life them whom thou wouldst preserve. Thou hast taken
unto thyself thine aged servant Joseph Smith the Patriarch,
and his sons Joseph, Hiram, Carloss & Samuel and many
others of thy servants. But thou hast raised up unto thyself
thy servant Brigham Young as a Lawgiver unto Israel and
a leader of thy People. Thou has taken unto thyself his councellors
Willard, Jedediah, Heber and George A. Yet thou hast
sustained thy servant Brigham for a generation as
men count time by the right hand of thy power. He has
been with thy people through all their afflictions and per-
secutions and led them to these mountains of Israel and guided
and directed the settlements of thy saints and all the affairs
of Zion as inspired by the power of God in this the last dispensation
and fulness of times in the which thou hast said thou wouldst
Esstablish thy kingdom to be thrown down not more forever

Therefore O Lord our God we pray that thou wilt give thy people
faith that we may claim this blessing of thee the Lord of Hosts
that thou wilt lay thy hand upon thy servant Brigham unto
the renewal of his body and the healing of all of his infirmities
and the lengthning out of his days and years yea O Lord may
he live to behold the inhabitants of Zion united and enter into the
Holy Order of God, and keep the Celestial Law that they may be
justified before Thee. May he live to behold Zion redeemed and
successfully fight the devils visible or invisible that make war
upon thy Saints. May he live to behold other Temple built and ded-
icated unto thy name and accepted of Thee O Lord our God, and
we pray thee our Father in heaven in the name of Jesus Christ if
it can be consistent to thy will that thy servant Brigham
may stand in the flesh to Behold the Nation who now occupies
the land upon which thou O Lord hast said the Zion of God
should stand in the Latter Day That Nation who hast shed the
Blood of Prophets and Saints which cry unto God day and night
for vengance. The Nation who are making war against God and his
Christ. That Nation whose sins wickedness and abominations
are assending up before God and to heavenly Hosts which causes
all Eternity to be pained and the Heavens to weep like the falling rain
yea O Lord that He may live to see that Nation (if they will not
repent and serve God) broaken in peasces like a potters vessel and
swept from off the face of the Earth as with the besom of destruction
as were the Jaredites and Nephites that the land of Zion may scease
to groan under the wickedness and abominations of those who now
cumber the ground. And we pray thee O God that thou wilt
bless all the councillors to thy servant Brigham

Bless thy servant John W Young his first councillor that he
may be clothed upon with the power of God that He may be a
polished shaft in thy quiver in the defence of Zion and her
cause. May he comfort the heart of his Father and have the
Blessing of God and thy people upon his head. Bless the
household of thy servant Brigham his wives and children and
all appertaining unto him. May his posterity remain upon the
Earth in righteousness untill the coming of the Messiah and
through the Millennium. Bless thy servant Daniel H. Wells with
the spirit and power of God and all his houshold. Bless all the councillors
to thy servant Brigham with their wives and children and all
appertaining unto them. Bless O Lord thine Apostles that the spirit
and power of the Apostleship may rest upon them Bless their
wives and children with salvation and Eternal life and may
all the apostles of the Lamb of the last dispensation and fullness
of times
realize their responsibilities before God Angels & men
and magnify their calling in that way and manner that they
will be satisfied at the end of their labor. Bless O Lord thy serv
ant George Q Cannon who is our deligate appointed to
represent us in the capital of our Nation. Cloth him with thy
power O God and Enable him to do thy will that his garments
may be clean of the Blood of this Nation that they may be left
without excuse in the day of thy judgments upon them for thou
knowest O Lord that their destruction is at the door. O Lord
Bless all the Patriarchs whom thou has appointed. May they have power
to Bless the people by inspiration as did the Ancients that their
blessings may be fulfilled upon the heads of the Saints Bless their families
and all appertaining unto them. We pray thee O Lord to Bless the High

Priest Quorum thoroughout the land of Zion may the power of
the Priesthood rest upon them that they may magnify their callings
and have power to build up the Zion of God on the Earth Bless their
wives and children and all appertaining unto them. We pray thee
our Heavenly Father to Bless the Quorums of seventies with their
Presidents. They are called to be special Messengers to the
Nations of the Earth Bless them with the Testimony of Jesus Christ
we pray thee that they may bring many souls unto Christ and be
prepared to assist in binding the Law, the sealing the testimony among
the Gentiles in thine own due time. Bless their wives children and
all their households. May the Blessings of God rest upon all the
Elders of Israel in all the world with their families O our Father
in Heaven
we pray thee to remember in Mercy the Aaronic Priesthood
with their Bishops, Priests, Teachers, and Deacons who are appointed
to be standing Ministers unto the Church, cloth them thewith the
Power of God Salvation and Eternal Life with their wives and
children. Bless we pray thee thine aged servant Edward Hunter
who is called to preside ofover the Bishopprick, thou hast seen
his labor and knowest the integrity of his heart. Cloth him
with thy Holy Spirit, fill him with the spirit of council and
consolation to his brethren and preserve him in the flesh as
long as he shall desire life, and when he shall sleep with his
Fathers may he rest in peace, and the works of righteousness follow
him. Bless all the organizations of the Church and kingdom
May they people accomplish the work unto which they are orda-
ined, build up the Zion of God, and prepare the Earth for the Coming
of the Son of man
. Bless the female relief society throughout the
land of Zion. May they fully accomplish the object of their

organization by thy servant Joseph may they influence the
daughters of Zion to deeds of virtue, Holiness, righteouness and
truth. May thye Blessings of Sarah, Huldah, Hannah, Anna, & Mary
the Ancient Prophetess and Holy women rest upon them.

O God of Abram, Isaac, & Jacob, we ask thee in the name
of Jesus Christ they Son that thou wilt remember thy covenants
which thou hast made with the whole house of Israel, remember
them in all their abidings in these last days. We Pray thee in this
the Temple of our God that thou wilt make bare thine arm of power
in the preservation and salvation of the small remnant of
the Laminites that are left in the land deliver them O God from
the hand of the gentiles who seek to annihilate them from
off the Earth, inspire their hearts with thy spirits to receive
the Gospel of the Son of God that they may be prepared to
build up Zion and fulfill the covenants and promises made
unto them by their forefathers who inherited this land. Remember
O Lord thy covenant people in the North country hasten the day
when they shall come in rememberence before Thee when their
Prophets shall smite the rocks, and the mountains of Ice shall
flow down before them. May the highway spedily be cast up
in the midst of the great deep, that they may come over dry
shod. [Doctrine and Covenants 133:27] May the Everlasting hills tremble at their presence and
theireEnemies become a prey unto them. May they come forth
unto Zion and bow the knee that they may be crowned in Zion
under the hands of Ephraim thy servants. We also pray thee
O God that thou wilt remember in Mercy the sons of Judah
upon whose heads the Blood of Jesus Christ has rested for
Eighteen hundred years. They have been trampled under

the feet of the feet of the gentiles and been made a hiss and
A by word in fulfillment of the words of Moses their lawgiver and
of Jesus of Nazareth. [Deuteronomy 28:37] And we pray thee O Thou Great Eloheem
that the past may suffise. Inspire their hearts to return home
to Jerrusalem the land of their Fathers and rebuild their city
and Temple that they may be prepared for their city and Temple
the coming of Shilo their king. O Hear, O Hear us O Lord in these
our petitions and answer us from heaven thine Holy habitation and
we will ascribe the honor glory and Thanksgiving unto God and the
Lamb both now and forever Amen and Amen [Doctrine and Covenants 109:77-78]

A Dedication song was then sung composed By Brother C L Walker
The assembly was then requested to repair to the next main room
over the font after the people got seated President Young and
the Twelve occupied the East Stand then we sung This house
we dedicate to Thee. Then Elder Erastus Snow offerd the following Prayer

O God our Eternal Father Creator of all things who raised up the
Prophet Joseph Smith, to organize the Holy Priesthood after the order
of thy Son, and lay the foundations of Zion and Esstablish thy
Church and Kingdom among men upon the Earth. We thy
servants and people appear before thee in this Holy house which
we have built unto thy name and stretch forth our hands unto
the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ and in his name we
beseech Thee to hear the Prayer of thy servant Woilford
Woodruff which has been this day offered offer up in the font
room of this House, and answer it upon this house and
people we implore thy blessing upon thy people and upon this

House which we dedicate and consecrate unto the Most High
This room esspecially we Hallow unto Thee, and beseech
thee to accept it as the offering of thy people and sanctify it
to their use for sacred and Holy purposes and to thine own
Glory it being the principle room on the first floor over the
font and above the basement together with its adjoining
vestery, Halls Entryways and outer steps leading up into
the same also the stair cases closets and Every thing appe-
rtaining to this room and its surroundings Even the foun-
dations on which it rests the pillars and timbers laid on
them with the Joists the floors the baseboards the columns
supporting the upper floor with their base and capitols, the
walls with the rock morter the inner and outer plastering
and all the material of which they are composed, the
platforms with their foundations on which the several
Pulpits are built together with the stands or pulpits even
those in the Eastern End appointed for the use of the Melchesidek
and its appendiges with their seats and doors their
aisles stepts railings banisters and Newel posts together with
the platforms and seats on either side prepared for the use
of the Elders and High Priests and the visiting Apostles and
seventies with the aisles and railing thereunto belonging, also
the platforms with the several pulpits in the Western End for the
use of the Aaronic Priesthood namly the Bishopprcic or pres-
idency of the Aaronic Priesthood, the presidency of the Priest
Quorum, the Presidency of the Teachers Quorum, and the
presidency of the Deacons Quorum, and all seats, doors
aisles, railings, and banisters with the sides seats and arranged

for visiting Bishops and for the Priests Teachers and Deacons
allso the ceilings and cornices the arch and its centre peaces its
cornices above the columns with the guilded stars and other devices
and ornamentation thereof, also the windows with the frames sash
glass putty and fastnings that they may afford light in this
appartment also the inner and outer doors with all their
hangings locks and fastnings, the seats dressing rooms partitions
curtains and Veil, the stove, utensils and the all things to be used
herein with all wood Iron Brass Nails screws bollts paints and
all materials made use of That all may be sanctified unto thy most
Holy Name and be preserved from fire and all the Elements that might
injure and destroy the same and from all wicked and ungodly
men, from all defilement within and without that thy Holy
may dwell herein and thine Angels minister unto thy
servants and thy Law with thy Judgments and statu[t]es be
made known unto thy people and be ever reveared herein, that
it may be a place of prayer, meditation and sacred instruction
that all who come herein may feel thy presens and sanctifying
influence, uncover their heads and loose the shoes from off
their feet and reverence thy Holy Name. We Beseech thee
Holy Father in the Name of thy Son to look down upon thy serv-
ants and people in great Mercy and forgive their sins
and follies. We thank thee for thy care and protection over
thy servants and handmadens who have labored to gather the
material and to build this house. And notwithstanding the difficu-
lties and dangers the accidents and snares that beset them
the Enemy has not had power to slay them nor has limb
been broaken or blood shed upon this building or these grounds

consecrated unto thee. Let thy choice blessings continue upon
thy people who have labored upon or contributed to build this
House inasmuch as they have done it in faith. may they
and their generations after them and through them the Fathers
before them enjoy the blessings and exaltation which flow
through the ordinances of thy House and the administration
of thy Holy Priesthood. Bles esspecially thy servant Brigham
whom thou hast given us for a leader and President
over all thy People by whose hand thou didst lead them unto
this land and plant their feet in the Tops of the Mountains
and inspired him to build this house unto thee with all thee
appartments and appointments thereof. Comfort him in his
old age heal up his body relieve him of his akes and pains, fill
him with the revelations of thy spirit that he may be alble
to speak thy word unto the people and to order all things in
this thine house and among thy people as thou wilt bless also
his wives and children and all thou hast given him. Bless
in like manner his councillers John W. Young and Daniel H
, and the assistant councillors with all the Apostles their
wives and children Houses lands flocks & herds. Strengthen them
in body and spirit to enable them to overcome the world and
magnify therir callings unto the End. Preserve their ossffspring
from wickedness from unbelief and rebellion from pride
wolrdly mindedness and folly from apostacy and the second death
if any have gone astray chasten them in thy Mercy and restore
them into thy fold. Enable them to walk in the footsteps of their
fathers and become shining lights throughout the world that in
them all Nations may be blessed. Remember thy servants

laboring in thy vineyard throughout the Earth raise up friends
to minister unto their necessities, make their Testimony powerful
unto all people gathering out the righteous and ripening the wicked
tfor the consumption decreed. Hasten the redemption of the Lamanites
and the gathering of Israel from England to esstablish Zion
and rebuild Jerrusalem. Preserve the remnants of Joseph from
destruction, open their ears and hearts to recieve the record of their
fathers and thy ministering servants sent among them visit them
in dreams and visions and show them the way of Life and unite
them for good over all the land that they may be able to build Zion
even the New Jerrusalem upon this land of their Fathers
Confound thine enemies and all who fight against Zion. Let
those who will not repent be wasted away when their cup of
iniquity is full. Cloth thy Saints with salvation as with a garment [Isaiah 61:10]
lead them in paths of rightousness and peace. Let them triumph glori-
ously for thine is the kingdom Power and Glory forever Amen [Matthew 6:13]

Redeemer of Israel was then sung. The congregation was then
requested to remain seated while the President Members of the
Twelve and a few others of the Priesthood repaired above to the
sealing room then some Twenty went up to the sealing room
when a Hymn was sung (Come let us renew) Then Elder Brigham
Young Jr
offerd up athe following prayer

O Lord God of Israel Thou who showest Mercy unto those
who walk uprightly before thee according to the light in them
to thee we bow in humble reverence and call upon thy Holy Name
on this occasion of Dedicating portion of this Temple created
for Holy purposes dispensing the ordinances of thy House unto this
generation their progenitors and posterity hear and Answer

the Prayers offerd by thine Apostles Wilford Woodruff
and Erastus Snow that they may penetrate the ears of the Lord
that the blessings of God may rest upon and in this
building from the foundation to the Towers thereof, and now our
Father we have assembled in this upper room wharein we
anticipate performing the ordinances of sealing women to Men
children to their Parents and man to his fellow man that
the bond may reach unto heaven thy dwelling place and when
we attain to that happy state and rise with the just in the morning
of the first resurrection that we may legally claim the
relationship of Husbands and wives parents and children
and be crowned Sons and Daughters of God and joint
with Jesus Christ our Elder Brother. We dedicate this
room unto thee, the circular stairs leading to it the board nai[l]s
and paint which compose the stairs the Timbers upon which
they rest the studing, ILath, plastering and nailes with the
several parts thereof. And we dedicate this room unto the[e]
O Our Father the walls and the stones of which they are
built, with the sand and lime and all timber which rest
in the walls the Joist and their Bridging and the double floors
which rest upon the Joist and the nails and fastnings thereof
and the plaster upon the walls and the ornamental cornice
and the centre ornament and the materials of which they are
composed and the stove and fixtures within this room together
with the windows wtheir casings weights and cords sash glass and
paint. We ask thy Blessing upon the Alter which stands within
this room, which we dedicate and consecrate unto thee the Lord
our God for the performance of the sealing ordinance that the

hearts of the fathers may be turned to the children and the hearts
of the children to the fathers. [Malachi 4:6] Sanctify to this purpose the boards nails
and fastnings and paint and the cushions upon this Alter and the
materials of which they are composed, all these things severally
and collectively we dedicate unto the fulfilling of thy glorious
purposes in the Earth. Bless those who have labored upon this
building and those who shall administer the ordinances herein Bless
thine aged servant President Brigham Young with strength to labor
in this building as seemeth good unto thee Righteous Father and
now we dedicate and consecrate ourselves our families all we
have with this congregation unto Thee O God in the name of Jesus
Our Redeemer Amen

At the close of the prayer we returned to the Lower Court when Elder
Snow ^and Woodruff^ made a few remarks pertaining to the workings in the Temple
calling upon all who desired to come forth and attend to the ordinances
for themselves and their dead After which President Brigham
Young who had been so lame through the day with Rheumatism
in his feet had been carried through the house in a chair by 3
men but upon this occasion he arose and walked into the lower
stand and made the following remarks

I cannot consent in my feelings to retire from this house
without exercising my strength the strength of my Lungs stomach
and speaking organs in speaking to this people. I hardly dare say
what is in my heart to say to this people, perhaps it will not be prudent
but I will say a few iencouraging things to the Latter Day Saints that
is they ought to be incouraging. We that are here are enjoying
a privilege that we have no knowledge of any other people Enjoying
since the days of Adam. Brethren and sisters do you understand

this it seems a great many of the people know nothing
about it. It is true that Solomon built a Temple for the purpose
of Giving Endowments but from what we can learn of the History
of that time they gave vary few if any Endowments and one of
the High Priest was murdered by wicked and corrupt men
who had already began to apostitize because he would not reveal
those things appertaining to the Priesthood that was forbidden
for him to reveal untuill he came to the proper place. I will not
say but what Enoch had Temples and officiated in them but we
have no account of it we know that he raised up a people so pure
and Holy that they were not permitted to remain with the wicked
inhabitants of the Earth but were taken to another place. We as
Latter Day Saints have been laboring for over forty years and
the revelations given us in the first were to esstablish the kingdom
by gathering the Saints, Building Temples, and organizing the
people as the family of heaven here on the Earth. We reared
up a Temple in Kirtland but we had no basement in it nor a font or
preparations to give Endowments for the living or the dead it was left
by the Saints they going to Missouri. Joseph Located the site for
the Temple in Jackson Co Mo, and pointed out the South East corner
of the Temple in the year Eighteen hundred thirty one. Also laid
the cornor stone for a Temple in Far west Caldwell County Mo
but these temple were not built. We built one in Nauvoo. I could
pick out several before me now that were there when it was built
and know just how much was finished and what was done
it is true we left Brethren there with instructions to finish it and
they got it nearly completed before it was burned but the Saints
did not enjoy it. Now we have a Temple which will all

be finished in a few days and of which their is enough completed
to commence work therein which has not been done since the days
of Adam that we have any knowledge of. now these that can
see the spiritual Atmosphere can see that many of the Saints are
still glued to this Earth and lusting and Longing after the things of
this world in which there is no profit. It is true we should
look after the things of this world and devote all to the building up of
the Kingdom of God. According to the present feeling of many
of our Brethren they would arogate to themselves this world and
all that pertains to it, and scease not day nor night to see that
it was devoted to the building up of the kingdom of the Devil, and
if they had the power they would build a railroad to carry it
to hell and esstablish themselves there. Whare are the Eyes and
the hearts of this people whare is their interest for their own
salvation and that of their fore fathers. We enjoy privileges that
are enjoyed by no one Els on the face of the Earth. supposing
we were awake to this thing namly the salvation of the human family
this house would be crouded as we hope it will be from Monday
morning untill Saturday night. This House was built here
in this place purposely whare it is warm and plesant in the
winter time and comfortable to work also for the Lamanites
and all those coming from the South to receive their End-
owments and other Blessings. What do you suppose the fathers
would say if they could speak from the dead would they
not say we "have lain here thousand of years here in this prision House
waiting for this dispensation to come here we are bound and fettered in the
association of those who are filthy, what would they whisper in our
Ears why if they had the power the vary thunders of heaven would be in

our Ears if we could but realize the importance of the work we are inga-
ged in, all the Angels in heaven are looking at this little handful of people
so also are the devils in hell looking at this people too and trying to overth
row us and the people are still shaking hands with the devil instead
of sanctifying themselves and calling upon the Lord and doing his
work which He has commanded us and put into our hands to
do. When I think upon this subject I want the Tongues of seven
thundeerrs to wake up the people. Can the Fathers be saved without us
No. Can we be saved without them No. and if we do not
wake up and scease to long after the things of this Earth we will
find that we as individuals will go down to Hell although the
Lord will preserve a people unto himself. Now we are ready to
give Endowments do you have any feelings for those who have
died without hearing the gospel. The spirit has awakened in the
people in the North when we gave the word that we should
do no more work in the Endowment House they came to us crying
and pleading to be baptized for their dead what Els could th[e]y
do they can come here and do the work for their dead and
put these poor prisioners on the ground whare they will be
free, do we realize this as long as we tarry here we are subject to the
world, but now go to like men and women and say we will
Embrace the Truth and Enter into the covenants of God and
carry them out then the bonds are broaken and the Harts of the
people are united in the Father. Perhaps Brethren and Sisters you
will not get my meaning but now go to work and let these infer-
nal holes in the ground alone, and let the Gentiles alone who
would destroy us if they had the power you are running after
them and ^some of^ our Brethren are putting their wives and daughters

into their society and will go to the devil with them to if they do not look
out. I would not have a dollar on the Earth if I had to get it there, it
has been the kingdom of God with me and what I have I have got in
this kingdom. Well now some of the Elders are running after these
holes in the ground and I see men here before me in this house that
have no right to be here they are as corrupt in their harts as they
can be and we take them by the Hand and call them Brother you
will go to Hell lots of you unless you repent you may think this is
plain talk it is not as plain as you will find by and By. you will go
to the gates of Heaven and Jesus will say I never knew you, while you
have been saying your prayers and going to your Meetings and [are] as cor-
rupt in your hearts as man can be you had better stop now and
repent of your sins and sin no more while their is yet time and
before the doors are closed against you I want to awake you up
and if I had the power to lift the veil from your Eyes and let you
see things as they are you would be asstonished not but what there
are a great many of the people as good as they know how to be, now
I will say Bless the people that they may do better. But show some
of the Elders of Israel according to their present conduct a
dollar one one side and Eternal Life on the other and I fear they
would chuse the Dollar. We are now prepared to attend to Bap-
tizing and giving Endowments and shall appoint Tuesdays
and Wednesdays for Baptisms and Thursdays and Fridays
for Endowments and sealings as a standing appointment for
the present God Bless you Amen. I do not know whether the people
are satisfied with the services of the dedication of the Temple or not
I am not half satisfied and I never expect to be satisfied untill the devil is
whiped and driven from off the face of the Earth.

In the last remark the President made he struck the pulpit with a
hickery cane filled with knots with such power that he buried
three of the knots into the solid wood that they may remain ther
for a generation if they are not filled up, his feet began to amend
from the time he made this speech. Thus I have recorded in my
Journal 20 pages of the prayers and procedings of the dedication
of this the Temple of the Lord in St George

The Quire sang a hymn glorious things of the are spoken. The Assembly
was dismissed by Prayer by Brigham Young jr The Assembly passing out at
the front doors The services having continued three hours


Browse people Wilford Woodruff mentioned on this day in his journal. Click on the person's name to view a short bio and other pages they are mentioned on or click on "View in Family Search" to view their FamilySearch profile.

242 mentions
Scriptural Figure
296 mentions
Scriptural Figure
2 mentions
Scriptural Figure
Young, Brigham
1 Jun 1801 - 29 Aug 1877
3455 mentions
Apostle, Family
Young, Brigham (Jr.)
18 Dec 1836 - 11 Apr 1903
586 mentions
Wells, Daniel Hanmer
27 Oct 1814 - 24 Mar 1891
800 mentions
Smith, Don Carlos, b. 1816
25 Mar 1816 - 7 Aug 1841
86 mentions
Scriptural Figure
119 mentions
Scriptural Figure
Snow, Erastus
9 Nov 1818 - 27 May 1888
698 mentions
Smith, George Albert
26 Jun 1817 - 1 Sep 1875
1435 mentions
Apostle, Missionary
Cannon, George Quayle
11 Jan 1827 - 12 Apr 1901
2264 mentions
2 mentions
Scriptural Figure
Kimball, Heber Chase
14 Jun 1801 - 22 Jun 1868
1457 mentions
3 mentions
Scriptural Figure
Smith, Hyrum
9 Feb 1800 - 27 Jun 1844
426 mentions
100 mentions
Scriptural Figure
169 mentions
Scriptural Figure
Grant, Jedediah Morgan
25 Feb 1816 - 1 Dec 1856
281 mentions
Apostle, Zion's Camp
Young, John Willard
1 Oct 1844 - 11 Feb 1924
329 mentions
123 mentions
Scriptural Figure
Smith, Joseph (Jr.)
23 Dec 1805 - 27 Jun 1844
Smith, Joseph (Sr.)
12 Jul 1771 - 14 Sep 1840
47 mentions
Scriptural Figure
15 mentions
Scriptural Figure
210 mentions
Scriptural Figure
Smith, Samuel
11 Jun 1807 - 28 Jun 1850
65 mentions
Family, 1835 Southern Convert
5 mentions
Scriptural Figure
47 mentions
Scriptural Figure
Richards, Willard
24 Jun 1804 - 11 Mar 1854
541 mentions


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Related Documents

Browse other documents with this same date. These could include pages from Wilford Woodruff's autobiographies, daybooks, letters, histories, and personal papers. Click on the document titles to view the full document.

Letter to All Whom it May Concern, circa August 1877

Letter to the Saints, 8 March 1877

Autobiography 1897 Deseret Weekly

Discourse 1877-01-01

TORY, . At 12[p]m. President Brigham Young, the Apostles Wilford Wood- ruff, Erastus Snow, and Brigham Young, Jr., with some two thou- sand Saints, assembled within the walls of the Temple built in St. George, for the purpose of dedicat- ing certain portions of it unto God, that we might be prepared to com- mence giving endowments, bless- ings and sealings unto the Saints. At 12:30 ELDER W. WOODRUFF stood on the upper step of the font and called the attention of the peo- ple and said— "We are this day blessed with a privilege that but few since the days of Adam have ever enjoyed. But few of the sons of Adam have ever entered into a Temple, built by the commandment of God, in which to administer ordinances, both for the living and the dead. We have now assembled to dedicate portions of this Temple unto God, and I have a request to make of all the Saints who are present, and I suppose all who are here profess to be Saints, for none others should be here. I realize that this assem- bly cannot bow the knee in their crowded condition, but they can bow their heads and their hearts unto God. This I want you to do this day, and those who offer up prayers in the dedication of this Temple I want their words repeat- ed in secret by this assembly before the Lord, that our prayers may ascend unto the Ears of the Lord of Sabbaoth, that they may be answered upon our heads." At the close of these remarks the following hymn was sung— "The Spirit of God like a fire is burning."

Discourse 1877-01-01

George Temple]], . "Oh God, our Heavenly Father, Father of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob; thou who hast created the heavens, the earth, the seas, and the fountains of water, and all things that dwell therein; accept of the gratitude of our hearts and the thanksgiving of thy people that thou hast preserved our lives to again enter into another Temple, which has been built by thy Saints in these valleys of the mountains, in which to organize the Holy Priesthood and to administer the ordinances of the Gospel of the Son of God, both for the living and the dead. Oh, our God, we thy sons and daughters have assembled to- gether, in the name of thy Son Jesus Christ, within the walls of this Temple, this day, for the pur- pose of dedicating and consecrating a portion of this house unto the Lord our God, that it may be holy and acceptable in thy sight. May the prayers of thy people ascend into thine ears, Oh Lord, and be heard and answered upon their heads. We now dedicate this Tem- ple Block, the land, the water tank, the fencing and all appertaining thereto, that it may be holy in thy sight. We dedicate and consecrate the foundation upon which this Temple stands, that it may be holy unto the Lord our God. This foundation has been created through much labor and diligence of thy servants, and we pray, Oh God, that thy blessing may rest upon it, that it may remain as firm as the foundation of the everlasting hills, that it may not be moved to the injury of this Temple which is built thereon. We dedicate all the outer walls of this Temple unto thy name, O Lord, that they may be holy, and all the materials of which they are composed—the rock, the mortar, the sand, the lime, the plastering inside and out, and every material that is used in their con- struction, that they may be sancti- fied unto the Lord. We dedicate all the windows belonging to this base- ment story, the sills, the frames, the sash, the glass, the putty, the weights, the cords, the fastenings, and all the materials of which they are composed, that they may be holy unto the Lord. We dedicate all the outer steps and stairways leading to the Temple, with the railing, stone, wood, iron, lead and all materials of which they are composed. We dedicate unto the Lord all the inner walls of this Temple, with all the materials of which they are composed, that they may be holy unto the Lord our God. We dedicate all the doors of the basement unto the Lord, with the frames, butts, screws, locks, and all fastenings, that they may be holy. We dedicate unto thy most holy name the font which thy people have erected for the ordi- nance of baptism for the living and the dead. We dedicate the flagging, the foundation on which the font stands, unto the Lord. We dedicate the twelve oxen that bear up the font, that they may be holy. We dedicate the font itself, with the steps leading to it, and the rail- ing and all materials of which they are composed, the castings, the iron, stone, or wood, and we pray that they may be acceptable unto thee, O Lord our God. We dedi- cate the boiler, the engine, and the pipes leading to the font and wash- ing baths to warm the water, that they may be holy. We dedicate the baths for the washing of thy people unto thee, O Lord, that they may be holy. We dedicate the rail- ing which surrounds the font unto thee. We dedicate unto thee, O Lord our God, the rooms which will be used by thy people for the giv- ing of endowments and the admin- istration of the ordinances of thine house, and all other rooms, includ- ing the water tank belonging to the basement story of this Temple of the Lord our God. We dedicate all the materials of which these rooms are composed, the timbers, joists, flooring, and nails, that they may be holy unto the Lord. We dedicate all the frame petitions, with the curtains and doors thereof, that they may be acceptable unto the Lord. We dedicate all the car- peting which is laid upon the floors unto the Lord, that the labor of the mothers and daugh- ters of Zion may be accept- able in the sight of heaven. We dedicate all the altars, with their coverings and trimmings, unto the Lord, praying that they may be acceptable unto thee. We dedicate unto the Lord all the chairs, benches, and all materials which shall be used in the seating of thy people in the rooms of this house. We dedicate unto the Lord all the furniture made use of in the lower rooms of this house, the desks, stands, stoves, pipes, wood boxes, and all materials thereof, that they may be holy. We dedicate all the pillars, and beams resting upon the pillars, erected in the lower rooms of this Temple for the support of the upper rooms, that they may be holy unto the Lord. We dedicate all the stairways leading from the basement to the upper rooms, with the stairs and railing and all mate- rials made use of in their construc- tion, that they may be holy; and we dedicate all the whitewashing and painting and plastering, inside and out, and any material not here- tofore mentioned in the construc- tion of the Temple, that it may be holy unto the Lord our God. And we ask thee, our Father in heaven, in the name of thy son Jesus Christ, that thou wilt accept of this Tem- ple at the hands of thy Saints, both male and female, who have built it unto thy holy name, and may no unclean thing be permitted to enter therein. Wilt thou bless all thy servants and handmaidens with the spirit and power of God, who shall administer in any of the ordi- nances of life and salvation within the walls of this house, and ail [all] thy people who enter the threshold of this Temple? May they feel thy pow- er, and be constrained to acknow- ledge that the power of God rests upon it. And we ask, in the name of Jesus Christ, the son of the liv- ing God, that the prayers offered up in the further dedication of other parts of this house this day, or at any future time in the dedication of this house, by those holding the Apostleship or Holy Priesthood, that their prayers may enter into the ears of the Lord of Sabbaoth, and be answered upon the heads of thy people. O Lord, be not angry with thy servants while we con- tinue our supplications before thee in this the Temple of our God. Thou hast said that thou wouldst take unto thyself them whom thou wouldst take, and preserve in life them whom thou wouldst preserve. Thou hast taken unto thyself thine aged servant, the Patriarch Joseph Smith, and his sons Joseph, Hyrum, Carlos and Samuel, and many others of thy servants, but thou hast raised up unto thyself thy servant Brigham Young as a law-giver unto Israel and a leader of thy people. Thou has taken unto thyself his coun- sellors Willard, Jedediah, Heber, and George A., yet thou has sus- tained thy servant Brigham for a generation, as men count time, by the right hand of thy power. He has been with thy people through all their afflictions and persecu- tions, and led them to these moun- tains of Israel, and guided and di- rected the settlement of thy Saints and all the affairs of Zion, as inspir- ed by the power of God in this the last dispensation and fullness of times, in the which thou hast said thou wouldst establish thy king- dom, to be thrown down no more forever. Therefore, O Lord our God, we pray that thou wilt give thy people faith, that we may claim this blessing of thee, the Lord of Hosts, that thou wilt lay thy hand upon thy servant Brigham unto the renewal of his body and the healing of all of his infirmities, and the lengthening out of his days and years; yea, O Lord, may he live to behold the inhabitants of Zion united and enter into the holy order of God and keep the celestial law, that they may be justified be- fore thee. May he live to behold Zion redeemed, and succcessfully fight the devils, visible and invisi- ble, that make war upon thy Saints. May he live to behold other tem- ples built and dedicated unto thy name and accepted of thee, O Lord our God. And we pray thee, our Father in Heaven, in the name of Jesus Christ, if it can be consistent with thy will, that thy servant Brigham may stand in the flesh to behold the nation which now occu- pies the land upon which thou, Lord, hast said the Zion of God should stand in the latter days, that nation which shed the blood of the Prophets and Saints which cry unto God day and night for vengeance, the nation which is making war against God and his Christ, that nation whose sins, wickedness, and abominations are ascending up be- fore God and the heavenly host, which causeth all eternity to be pained and the heavens to weep like the falling rain; yea, O Lord, that he may live to see that nation, if it will not repent, broken in pieces like a potter's ves- sel and swept from off the earth as with the besom of destruction, as were the Jaredites and Nephites, that the land of Zion may cease to groan under the wickedness and abominations of men. We pray thee, O God our Heavenly Father, that thou wilt bless all the coun- sellors to thy servant Brigham. Bless thy servant John W. Young, his first counsellor, that he may be clothed upon with the power of God, that he may be a polished shaft in thy quiver in the defense of Zion and her cause. May he com- fort the heart of his father and have the blessings of God and thy people upon his head. Bless the house- hold of thy servant Brigham, his wives and children. May his pos- terity remain upon the earth in righteousness until the coming of the Messiah and through the Mil- lennium. Bless thy servant Dan- iel H. Wells with the spirit and power of God, and all his house- hold. Bless all the counsellors to thy servant Brigham, with their wives and children and all apper- taining unto them. Bless, O Lord, thine Apostles, that the spirit and power of the apostleship may rest upon them. Bless their wives and children with salvation and eter- nal life, and may all the Apostles of the Lamb of this last dispensa- tion and fullness of times realize their responsibilities before God, angels and men, and magnify their calling in that way and manner that they will be satisfied at the end of their labor. Bless, O Lord, thy servant George Q. Cannon, who is our Delegate appointed to repre- sent us in the Capitol of our na- tion. Clothe him with thy power, O God, and enable him to do thy will, that his garments may be clean of the blood of this nation, that they may be left without ex- cuse in the day of thy judgments upon them. O Lord, bless the Pa- triarchs whom thou hast appointed in the land of Zion. May they have power to bless the people by inspiration, as did the ancients, that their blessings may be fulfilled upon the heads of the Saints. Bless their families and all appertaining unto them. We pray thee, O Lord, to bless the High Priests' Quorum throughout the land of Zion. May the power of the priesthood rest upon them, that they may magnify their calling and have power to build up the Zion of God on the earth. Bless their wives and chil- dren and all appertaining unto them. We pray thee, our heav- enly Father, to bless the quorums of Seventies, with their Presidents. They are called to be special mes- sengers to the nations of the earth. Clothe them with the testimony of Jesus Christ. We pray thee that they may bring many souls unto Christ, and be prepared to assist in binding the law and sealing the testimony among the Gentiles in thine own due time. Bless their wives and children and all their households. May the blessings of God rest upon all the Elders of Is- rael in all the world, with their families. O our Father in heaven, we pray thee to remember in mercy the Aaronic Priesthood, with their bishops, priests, teachers and deacons, who are appointed to be standing ministers unto the church. Clothe them with the power of God, salvation and eternal life, with their wives and children. Bless, we pray thee, thine aged servant Edward Hunter, who is called to preside over the bishop- ric. Thou hast seen his labors and thou knowest the integrity of his heart. Clothe him with thy holy spirit, fill him with the spirit of counsel and consolation to his brethren, and preserve him in the flesh as long as he shall desire life, and when he sleeps may he rest in peace and the works of righteous- ness follow him. Bless all the or- ganizations of thy church and kingdom throughout the world. May thy people accomplish the work unto which they are ordained, build up the Zion of God and prepare the earth for the coming of the Son of Man. Bless the Female Relief Societies throughout the land of Zion. May they fully accomplish the object of their or- ganization by thy servant Joseph. May they influence the daughters of Zion to walk in the paths of virtue, holiness, righteousness, and truth. May the blessings of Sarah, Hulda, Hannah, Anna and Mary, the an- cient prophetesses and holy women of old, rest upon them. O God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, we ask thee, in the name of Jesus Christ thy Son, that thou wouldst remem- ber thy covenants which thou hast made with the whole house of Is- rael; remember them in all their abidings in these last days. We pray thee, in this the Temple of our God, that thou wilt make bare thine arm of power in the preserv- ation and salvation of the small remnant of the Lamanites that are left in the land. Deliver them, O God, from the hand of the Gentiles, who seek to annihilate them from off the face of the earth. Inspire their hearts with thy spirit, to re- ceive the gospel of the Son of God, that they may be prepared to build up Zion and fulfil the covenants and promises made unto them by their forefathers who inherited this land. Remember, O Lord, thy cov- enant people in the north country. Hasten the day when they shall come in remembrance before thee, when the Prophets shall smite the rocks and the mountains of ice flow down before them. May the high- way speedily be cast up in the midst of the great deep, that they may come over dry shod. [Doctrine and Covenants 133:27] May the everlasting hills tremble at their presence and their enemies become a prey unto them. May they come forth unto Zion and bow the knee, that they may be crowned in Zion under the hands of Ephraim thy servants. We also pray thee, O God, that thou wilt remember in mercy the sons of Judah, upon whose heads the blood of Jesus Christ has rested for eighteen hun- dred years. They have been trampled under the feet of the Gentiles and been made a hiss and by word in fulfillment of the words of Moses, their law-giver, and of Jesus of Nazareth, and we pray thee, oh thou great Eloheim, that the past may suffice. Inspire their hearts to return home to Jeru- salem, the land of their fathers, and rebuild their city and Temple, that they may be prepared for the com- ing of Shiloh, their King. O hear, O hear us, Lord, in these our peti- tions, and answer us from heaven, thine holy habitation, and we will ascribe all honor, glory, and thanks- giving unto God and the Lamb, both now and forever. Amen, and Amen."

Letter to Daniel Webster Jones and Company, 16 January 1877


View selected events in the two months surrounding this date in Wilford Woodruff's life. Click on the dates to jump to that day in Wilford Woodruff's journal.

Church membership reaches 115,065.
Wilford receives revelation authorizing proxy ordinances for his family by non-relatives.
In honor of Wilford's 70th birthday, 154 women serve as proxies in ordinances for his deceased female relatives.

Jan 1, 1877