I presided at the Temple to day we gave Endowments to 136
mostly for the dead. we ordained 52 Elders W Woodruff ordained
4, E Snow sealed ^43^. I wrote a letter to Phebe President
visited us and wanted me to read the CVI [106] section in the doctrins
and Covenants which I did, Old Edition. On our return home
we herd of a sad accident Brother McMullen who with
his family had been getting his Endowments was driving home
and while on the big dug way his horses ran off the dug way
having four women in the waggon besides himself all rolled
down the dug way. A large rock rolled on top of one woman ^Mary Jane Liston^
^Mary Ann Bowers^ and killed her dead, and her Grand mother ^Mary Ann Bowery^ was nearly killed
And Br Willard G. McMullin had his sholder broak &
his daughter badly hurt. Brother McMullin & Daughter
was taken to washington And Mary Jane Liston who
was killed and her Grand Mother were brought back to
St George. Brothers McAllister, Nuttall, and myself visited
the House and laid hands upon the live women, and A
coroners inquest was held over the body of the dead one I also
visited President Young in the Evening and laid hands upon
his Teamster who was vary sick. I spent a short time
to Lucy B. Youngs then retired home to bed
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