March 30, 1877
^ This is the first day I ever went the Themple to get Endow-
ments ^
^ for the Dead I got Endowments to day for the Prophets Robert
Mason. We gave Endowments to 150. There was 52 Elders ordained
W Woodruff ordained 2. I was ordained a High Priest &
Patriarch for the Prophet Mason. There was 152 of the dead of
the Hart family baptized for to day. Bulah A Woodruff Beatie
was Baptized for 360 of them. The Quorum of the Twelve
arived to day in the Temple to day we met in council in the
Presidents office in the Evening I sealed 14 dead persons to
President Young E Snow sealed [blank] couple (W Woodruff
gave Seconed Anointing to Woilford Woodruff Jr for his
Grand Father Ezra Carter & Anointed Phebe W. Woodruff
for her Mother Sarah Fabyan Carter) {I anointed Sarah Campbell Smith}
^Phebe W W got Endowments for Mary Fabyan & for Mr Samuel Woodruff
Wilford Woodruff Jr got Endowments for Asahel Woodruff^
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