Day in the Life

Jun 10, 1877

Journal Entry

June 10, 1877 ~ Sunday

10 Sunday I spent the day in the Tabernacle. Miles P Romney
Prayed. Thomas Coleborn spoke 20 M[inutes] J McAllister 21 M
Afternoon Prayer By Wm Snow. President Youngs sermon
At Logan was read 35 M, W Woodruff then spoke to the people
30 Minutes


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Young, Brigham
1 Jun 1801 - 29 Aug 1877
3468 mentions
Apostle, Family
McAllister, John Daniel Thompson
19 Feb 1827 - 21 Jan 1910
663 mentions
Romney, Miles Park
18 Aug 1843 - 26 Feb 1904
48 mentions
Snow, William
14 Dec 1806 - 19 May 1879


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Discourse 1877-06-10
At St George Tabernacle meeting, by request of Apostle Wilford Woodruff, Brother Bleak read President Brigham Young's Discourse, delivered in Logan, Cache Co, on Fri- day, May 25th, 1877 at the Priesthood Meeting; held for the purpose of organizing a Stake of Zion. Brother Woodruff made some pertinent remarks on the Discourse, remarking in substance: the difference between President Young and himself was, that President Young remembered the sayings of the Prophet Joseph in a most wonderful manner, while he, Brother Woodruff, had written the sayings of the Prophet; he said he had never heard ^1877.^ the Prophet Joseph deliver a sermon, a prophecy, or give a revelation, with- out writing it; as could be seen by re- ferring to his Journals. The sermon delivered by Brother Joseph at the funeral of King Follett, he had written on the crown of his hat, standing in the congregation. He had a gift from God, it was this, that when he did not have pencil or paper with him, he could, after hearing the Prophet Joseph preach a sermon, go home and write it word for word and sentence after sentence; but after completing the writing, the sermon would pass from his mind, as though he had never heard it. At the time of doing


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Wilford resigns as President of the Deseret Agricultural and Manufacturing Society after 15 years.

Jun 10, 1877