Day in the Life

Nov 6, 1880

Journal Entry

November 06, 1880 ~ Saturday

6 In company with Thomas D Lutz & Sarah I rode to Logan
to attend the quarterly conference Met at 10 oclok ^Br^ Merrill
Prayed Statiscital report read Total souls 14550. Total of
Temple funds $257,271.41. G. Q. Cannon spoke 25 M[inutes], W Wood
ruff 25 M Afternoon Wm B Preston spoke 12 M, F. D. Richards
one hour & 10 M on the Law of Tithing At the close of the Meeting we visited
the Temple, two banks of the roof was on we could see that it will crowd
hard to get the roof on this fall. I rode to Smithfield & spent the night 16 Miles


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Richards, Franklin Dewey
2 Apr 1821 - 9 Dec 1899
816 mentions
Cannon, George Quayle
11 Jan 1827 - 12 Apr 1901
2273 mentions
Woodruff, Sarah Brown
1 Jan 1834 - 9 May 1909
707 mentions
Preston, William Bowker
24 Nov 1830 - 2 Aug 1908


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Discourse 1880-11-06
Pres W. Woodward followed and bore his testimony to the remarks of Brother Cannon, and stated that no people, were more blessed than the saints were. The Lord had raised up a people to whom he had given his Kingdom, and that Kingdom would remain, when all earthly Kingdoms would pass away, and the earth become a sea of glass and be celestial. He referred to Enoch and his people, and the circumstances that was connected with their perfection, they became so perfect that they could not remain here on the earth and spoke of the great blessings, that God had placed before us, no other people had been so favoured as to live on the earth when God had established his Kingdom never more to be turn down, he spoke of the opposition that spray up in the earth when God revealed himself to Joseph the Prophet, and spoke of the Law of Tithing and remarked that the leaders of this chu[r]ch all pay their Tithing, none were more punctual in doing so than they. He spoke of the propreity of all paying their tithing at the proper time and according to the requirement. He spoke of the redemption of the dead, and showed the necessity of Temples, in consideration of which the Lord would enable us us to build and furnish our Temples, that we may go on and officiate for our dead, a great work remain for us, to do, the departed dead are awaiting anxciously to the completion of our Temple and stated that the Temple in trust was appropriatly of 50 cents in each month now for the Temple now in cou[r]se of erection. The Lord was greatly blessing the saints in this Stake of Zion and we should be thankful to him for all the blessings we enjoy, and continued by saying that it does not pay for men or women to apostitize, all who do so always fail in thier efforts.
Daybook (24 October 1879 - 31 January 1881)
6. In company with Thomas D Lutz & Sarah I rode to Logan to Attend the Quarterly Conference Met at 10 oclok Wm M Merrill prayed statiscital report of the stake was then read Total Officer & Members 10133, children 4417, Total Souls, 14550 Apostles 1, Patriarchs 7, High Priests 433, Seventies 359, Elders 1407 Priests 293, Teachers 337, Deacons 485, Total Temple funds $257,271.41 G Q Cannon spoke 25 M[inutes]. W Woodruff 25 M[inutes]. Afternoon Wm B Preston spoke 12 M[inutes]. F. D. Richards one hour & 10 M[inutes]. on the Law of Tithing At the close of the Meeting we visited the Temple two Bants [Banks] of the roof was on we could see that it will crowd hard to get the roof on this fall. I rode to Smithfield & spent the night 16 Miles


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Pearl of Great Price officially accepted as scripture by the membership of the Church.

Nov 6, 1880