Day in the Life

Nov 7, 1880

Journal Entry

November 07, 1880 ~ Sunday

7 I rode to Logan attended Conference at 10 oclok C O Card
Prayed Lorenzo Snow spoke one hour & 10 M[inutes]. W Woodruff 38 M
At the close of the Meeting the Twelve Met at Br Cards House

Keys crossed A crown We here met with Br C. C. Rich who had been
Brought from Bear Lake on a Bed having received a paraletic
stroke, the left side entirely useless, he could speak a little so as
to be understood. Br George Q Cannon Anointed him and six
of the Apostles laid hands upon him & W Woodruff was mouth
and blessed him. He seemed overjoyed at seeing us. We met at
2 oclok sacrament Administered. The Authorities of the Church
were presented and sustained, 4 Missionaries called to spend
all their time as home missionaries Joseph F Smith spoke one
hour & 10 M[inutes], M Thatcher 14, G. Q. Cannon 15 M W W 3 M.
We adjourned & rode to Smithfield & held a Meeting Bishop
Farrell spoke 15 M & W Woodruff one hour 16 Miles


Browse people Wilford Woodruff mentioned on this day in his journal. Click on the person's name to view a short bio and other pages they are mentioned on or click on "View in Family Search" to view their FamilySearch profile.

Rich, Charles Coulson
21 Aug 1809 - 17 Nov 1883
352 mentions
Card, Charles Ora
5 Nov 1839 - 9 Sep 1906
274 mentions
200 mentions
Cannon, George Quayle
11 Jan 1827 - 12 Apr 1901
2273 mentions
Smith, Joseph Fielding
13 Nov 1838 - 19 Nov 1918
4135 mentions
Snow, Lorenzo
3 Apr 1814 - 10 Oct 1901
703 mentions
Apostle, Family
446 mentions


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Discourse 1880-11-07
Pres Woodruff spoke of the condition of Bro. M. Thatcher as an apostle who is now about to leave for Mexico as also Pres. Cannon for washington to extention in faith and prayers in their absence. Meeting AdJourned Benediction by Lorin. Farr.
Discourse 1880-11-07
Elder Wilford Woodruff detailed the circumstances that led to the events that transpired on Fishing River, and of the journey of Zion's Camp, and there in their distress and poverty, the elders consecrated all they had. The Twelve and probably others did like- wise when they arrived in the valley. If we had remained in Jackson County, half the prophecies of Isaiah would have remained unfulfilled. We are the descendents of Joseph, to whom the promises were made, and the events of our history have been for our good. I believe that Joseph lived as long as the Lord wanted him to, and that he received every key pertaining to this dispensation and conferred them on his brethren, and that it was necessary that he should seal his testimony with his blood. [Doctrine and Covenants 136:39] If our farmers had the spirit of some of the Nephites of old they would dedi- cate the ground and seed they sowed to the Lord. In Salt Lake some of the youth were visiting bad places, but in the Church there were many young men who hon- ored God.
Daybook (24 October 1879 - 31 January 1881)
Nov 7, 1880 I rode to Logan Met in conference at 10 oclok Charles O Card Prayed Lorenzo Snow spoke one hour & 10 Minutes. W Woodruff spoke 34 Minutes [FIGURE] At the close of the Meeting The Twelve went to Br Cards House and there met with Br C. C. Rich who had been brought from Bear Lake on a bed Having received a Paraletic stroke the left side entirely useless He could speak a little so as to be understood Br G Q Cannon Anointed him and six of the Apostles laid hands on him & W Woodruff was Mouth and Blessed him He seemed overjoyed at seeing us. We met at 2 oclok. Sacrament Administered the Authorities of the Church presented and sustained 4 Missionaries called to spend all their time as Home Missionaries Joseph F Smith spoke one hour & 10 M[inutes] M Thatcher 14 M[inutes], G. Q. Cannon 15 M[inutes], W W Woodruff 3 M[inutes] we adjourned I rode to Smithfield & held a Meeting Bishop Ferrill spoke 15 M[inutes] and W Woodruff one hour. I spent the night with my family Distance 16 M[iles]


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Pearl of Great Price officially accepted as scripture by the membership of the Church.

Nov 7, 1880