Day in the Life

Dec 19, 1880

Journal Entry

December 19, 1880 ~ Sunday

19 Keys crossed Sunday I for the first time in my life talked with
Elder Taylor through a telephone one Mile surly men
have sought out many inventions I attended meeting at
10 oclok J Vancott spoke 12 M[inutes], Seymour Young 10 M[inutes]
Wm W Taylor 12 M[inutes], C W Penrose 11, John Henry Smith
17 M[inutes]. Afternoon W Woodruff spoke 30 M[inutes], Joseph F Smith 37,
John Taylor 35 M[inutes]. W Woodruff in his remarks bore
testimony to the work of God councilled Union among the
people spoke of the great Responsibility we are under to
God, and the work we are called upon to perform. Joseph
Smith bore testimony to the work. Exhorted the people to
settle all their difficulties and not permit themselves
to be cut off from the Church for they would cut
themselves off from Eternal Life & salvation which
was more than Death at any time. President Taylor
spoke in the power of God warned the saints to keep the
faith and live their Religion spoke of Congress the Government
& the Constitution which was Esstablished by inspiration
that we could afford to be generous to our government if they
would not give us our rights but seek to oppress us we must leave in


Browse people Wilford Woodruff mentioned on this day in his journal. Click on the person's name to view a short bio and other pages they are mentioned on or click on "View in Family Search" to view their FamilySearch profile.

Penrose, Charles William
4 Feb 1832 - 16 May 1925
Smith, John Henry
18 Sep 1848 - 13 Oct 1911
297 mentions
Taylor, John, b. 1808
1 Nov 1808 - 25 Jul 1887
1954 mentions
Van Cott, John
7 Sep 1814 - 18 Feb 1883
Smith, Joseph Fielding
13 Nov 1838 - 19 Nov 1918
4129 mentions
Young, Seymour Bicknell
8 Oct 1837 - 15 Dec 1924
Taylor, William Whitaker
11 Sep 1853 - 1 Aug 1884

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Discourse 1880-12-19
ELDER WILFORD WOODRUFF took the stand to address the Saints. He had met with the people of Og den many times before, but he had not often had more occasion to feel gratified. In several meetings, yes- terday, he had been glad to witness a good spirit and prayer meetings had been organized. The speaker then pointed out how by the principle of faith the people of God had been preserved in every age and time of the world. He will always sustain us if we exercise faith and obey His law. Through faith the world was created, Noah built his ark, Abra- ham went he knew not whither, the three youths were preserved in the fiery furnace and Daniel in the lion's den. [Hebrews 11:7-8] [Daniel 3] [Daniel 6] Without the spirit of the Lord we can accomplish nothing, and in order for us to obtain it, God has conferred the holy priesthood upon us. We must unite our hearts in a feeling of harmony, in order to es- tablish the Kingdom of God. In various ages the Lord has visited the wicked and iniquitous with His punishments, while the people of Israel were prospered and preserved as long as they obeyed His law. In the same ways the Father has dealt with the human family and with His elect people ever since. The speaker knows of no generation that has been blessed and favored with such great privileges as we are in this dispensation. Such indeed, was that of Abraham, also those of the ancient prophets and apostles. Jesus came in the meridian of time that through him all the human family should be saved and redeemed, as through Adam all had fallen and died. Elder Woodruff here gave a sketch of the Saviour mission of Christ. We know that all these missions in the various epochs of the world's history were of God, some of the prophets having been fore-ordained before they were born, as were Jeremiah of old, and the Prophet Joseph in the latter- days. [Jeremiah 1:5] This the speaker illustrated by the early history of the prophet. The Lord always had a plan with His creations, although the speaker does not believe in predestination. But there are noble spirits in the spirit world and them the Lord has sent to set up and establish His Kingdom. The Lord raised up the Prophet Joseph, he also raised up Twelve Apostles, and every Latter- day Saint. He has searched them out from among all the nations of the world and brought them hither to assist in the building up of the Kingdom. This kindgom is to stand unto the coming of the Son of man. We have all been called to assist in it, from a thousand or fourteen hun- dred million of people. Therefore we certainly have nothing else to do, no other business than to build up this Kingdom; if we build it up, we build up ourselves, and if we neglect it, we fall. The Lord looks to no other people than to the Latter-day Saints to perform His work. Hence we must be united in the gospel and in the love of the Lord. For no consideration we should sacrifice our eternal salvation. Our aim is high and glorious and our mission is sublime above all others. If we overcome our weaknesses, we will have power to finish all our temples, to dedicate them, to perform work for the dead in them. We can enter into the glory of God, be face to face with the Heavenly Father, if we keep the covenants. Let us, there- fore, be one; be ready to forgive, let us never think we have so much dignity that we need no instruction or chastisement. Let us be humble and ponder what we are here for. Earth and hell are against us, the world hate us, and this is one of the principal proofs that God is our friend and will fight our battles, if we are faithful to Him and His com- mands. The Lord wants us to spread abroad, Zion's border must be en- larged and her stakes lengthened. Thus we are settling in Arizona; the head and center of our settlements there is St. John in Apache Co. Now there are thirty families wanted from this stake, to go thither to settle the country, it takes men with means to build up the country there and secure a strong foothold in that part of the country. The hives of Israel are crowded and the bees are com- mencing to swarm.
Daybook (24 October 1879 - 31 January 1881)
^[FIGURES]^ 19. Sunday I for the first time in my life talked with Elder Taylor through a Telephone one mile surely man has sout out many inve[n]tions
Daybook (24 October 1879 - 31 January 1881)
I met at the Tabernacle at 10 oclock John Vancott spoke 12 M[inutes]. Seymour Young 10 M[inutes], Wm W Taylor 12 M[inutes], C. W. Penrose 11, John Henry Smith 17 Afternoon W Woodruff spoke 30 M[inutes], Joseph F Smith 37 Minutes & John Taylor 35 M[inutes]. W Woodruff Bore testimony to the work of God counciled Unions among the people spoke of the great responsibility we are under to God and the work we are called upon to perform Joseph Smith Bore testimony to the work exhorted the people to settle all their Difficulties and not permit themselves to be cut off from the Church for they would cut them off from eternal Life and salvation which was worse than Death in any form President Taylor spoke in the power of God warned the Saints to keep the faith and live their religion spoke of Congress the Government & Constitution which was esstablished by inspiration that we could afford to be Generous to our Government if they would not give us our rights but seek to oppress us we must leave them in the hands of God & He would deal with them. God would sustain his kingdom Much Good was done by our visit there we took cars & rode to S L City 40 M[iles] I read a Book a translation from the Jewish Talmud


View selected events in the two months surrounding this date in Wilford Woodruff's life. Click on the dates to jump to that day in Wilford Woodruff's journal.

Wilford appointed General President of Young Men's Mutual Improvement Association.

Dec 19, 1880