10. Sunday I took cars and rode to Ogden to attend the
Young mens mutual quarterly confernce I stoped with
F D Richards I met with the people at 10 oclok A Few rem-
arks made By the councillor Alonzo Herrett President
West & 1 councellor absent. Wm Jackson gave a lecture
on faith, James England on Baptism, Repentance
John Anderson on Baptism, Noah L Shirtliff on the
Reception of the Holy Ghost, Frank Greenwell on the
History of Rome. Afternoon Gilbert R Belnap on
Church History, Edward H Anderson on the organiza-
tion rise & Progress of the young mens Mutual Improvement
Association. W Woodruff spoke 25 Minutes F D Richards
12 M[inutes]. I took cars & returned to Salt Lake City 80 Mils
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