Day in the Life

Jan 15, 1882

Journal Entry

January 15, 1882 ~ Sunday

Jan 15, 1882
Sunday A cold morning I took cars at 7 occlock with J F Smith
& Junius F Wells & rode to Ogden to attend the quarterly conference of
the young Mens Mutual improvement Association Met at 10 oclok
we also met Moses Thatcher there The forenoon was mostly spent
in carrying out a pollished program several young men spoke
upon History of the Church, fruits of the gospel, Evils of intemperance &
Moses Thatcher spoke 40 Minutes in a vary interesting manner
Afternoon prayer By Br Wright W. Woodruff presented the resignat[io]n
of Joseph West as the president of the young men And nominated
Edward H Anderson as his successor Junius H. Wells then spoke
15 Minutes. Joseph F Smith spoke 45 minutes & W Woodruff 30.
Joseph West spoke 3 M[inutes], & President Parry 10 M. I presented the
councillors of the President, was received we had an Exellet day
much of the spirit of the Lord was with us and strong testimony
given to the people we took dinner & supper with Br F D Richards
took cars & returned home to Salt Lake City 80 Miles


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Richards, Franklin Dewey
2 Apr 1821 - 9 Dec 1899
820 mentions
West, Joseph Alva
12 Sep 1851 - 17 Apr 1926
22 mentions
Smith, Joseph Fielding
13 Nov 1838 - 19 Nov 1918
4150 mentions
Wells, Junius Free
1 Jun 1854 - 15 Apr 1930
447 mentions


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Discourse 1882-01-15
PREST. W. WOODRUFF heartily endorsed all the remarks made before. He was gratified that the Latter-day Saints did not enjoy the fellowship of the ungodly and wicked of this generation. This is the last dispensation of the fulness of times; the devil doesn't like it, but the speaker does not blame him. The little handful on April 6, 1830, has increased to 150,000. Four tem- ples are being erected, wherein to redeem the dead. No wonder the devil fights this work, for he realizes that his day is at the door. The wicked don't like us. Neither does the devil. He never did like the work of light and truth. There is universal warfare between Heaven and hell, light and darkness, truth and error. We are here, dwelling in the flesh, destined to accomplish the purposes of the Lord, and well may we be steadfast and truthful in the cause. Speaking to the young people, Prest. Woodruff showed how the revelations of old had been and are being fulfilled in these latter days. Considering the future of the rising generation, Elder Woodruff empha- sized the greatness of the work they are engaged in, in this the greatest dispensation of all ages, for which thousands of spirits were reserved for thousands of years. Looking back on the past years, when the Twelve had to go forth, preaching the everlasting Gospel to the unbelievers and scoffers, he re- membered how many times he asked the question: "Where are the sons of the prophets?" But now, look- ing on the rising generation, he was satisfied that the work would not lack in staunch expounders and de- fenders. The speaker here gave a vivid sketch of the corruption and abomination of the world, from which emanate so many would-be "purifiers" of Utah. We trust in God. We will obey His will, dying or living; for we are not doing our will but His. Prest. Woodruff concluded with exhorting the young men to con- tinue firm in the faith of their fath- ers, persevering in the pursuit of knowledge and the practice of all pure principles. Great are the judgments which are impending over the world in their wickedness. For God has decreed His work in these last days, and though earth and hell combine they will not prevail. Great will also be the pow- ers with which the young genera- tion will be clothed in the days of probation. Prest. Woodruff also admonished the young men to mar- ry, and if they marry to do so in the right way. The young men are looked to by the Presideny as the rising glory of Zion, to carry off the great work the foundations of which were laid by the Prophet Joseph.


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Jan 15, 1882