Oct 8. Sunday Met at 10 oclok Prayer By F M Lyman
Missionary List was then read and sustained by the
conference G Q Cannon then spoke one Hour & 10 M
W Woodruff spoke 5 M, and Exhorted the Saints to present
all their wants before the Lord in their prayer circles
W Woodruff said the sixts Angel who would Blow
the sixts Trumped [Revelation 9:13] would be some Man who held the
keys of the Kingdom of God in the Last Dispensation Erastus
Snow said that while they were receiving he[t]heir Endowments
in the Temple in kirtland that A young Man clothed
with the power of God prophesied that the sixts Angel
would be Joseph Smith and there was a testimony
to all that it was true Afternoon Prayer By E Snow
Authorities were then Presented and sustained The
Names of Abram H Cannon & Theadore B Lewis Had been
chosen by the Presidents of the Seventies the Twelve Apostles
and the Presidency of the Church when they come to
be set Apart on Monday W Woodruff set apart Abram
H Cannon and when we come to lay hands upon the
Head of Br Lewis it was found He was a High Priest
therefore He could not be ordained as A President of the
Seventies therefore He was set aside & not ordained to
the office of the seventies which still left one vacancy
among the seven presidents After the Authorities were
presented President Taylor spoke one hour & 30 M[inutes].
The Apostle C. C. Rich was brought into the stand in a
chair and staid untill the Meeting was half out then
taken out (And probably it will be the last time that
He will Ever meet with the Saints again in that Tabernacle)
we held a meeting in the Evening with the young people in the
Assembly Hall The Hall was crouded many could not get
in W Woodruff called the Attention of the Assembly and
invited the officers to the stand rool [roll] called minutes read
and approved Joseph F Smith, M Thatcher, & W Woodruff
G. Q. Cannon spoke followed By Rodney Badger, Hardy
& J. F. Wells. we had a good Meeting and a good spirit
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