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Day in the Life

Sep 30, 1883

Journal Entry

September 30, 1883 ~ Sunday

30 Sunday I met with F M Lyman & Platt Lyman we
Attended the Prayer Circle & met with the People at 10:30
Platt Lyman spoke 23 M[inutes] F M Lyman 22 M[inutes] W Woodruff 25 m[inutes]
Afternoon I met with the Missionary School of Maeser
which was vary interesting. At 4 oclok I took cars & returned
home to S L City 50 Miles


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Lyman, Francis Marion
12 Jan 1840 - 16 Nov 1916
240 mentions
Maeser, Karl Gottfried
16 Jan 1828 - 15 Feb 1901
476 mentions
4 mentions


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Discourse 1883-09-30
Apostele Woodruff made remarks as follows. Said that while he was in Arizona Gen. Sherman [rewoh] was there; remarked that it was a shame for the govern- ment to charge the Mormans any thing for the land. But the time will come when we will see the blessings and wisdom displayed in sending that that colony. As I have often said, it seemed almost impossible toofor mortal man to live in these valleys when we first come here. But we shall soon understand why God wants these places setted. The Lord re- quires many things of us that has not been required of others generations. The Lord expects us to work with him in the redemption of his Kingdom. The time will come when we will be required to practice what we teach. Important events are about to transpire in Zion.


View selected events in the two months surrounding this date in Wilford Woodruff's life.

Wilford sustained in General Conference as Church Historian and recorder.
Majority of proxy endowments completed for Eminent Men and Women; some proxy sealings also completed.

Sep 30, 1883