Day in the Life

Dec 15, 1883

Journal Entry

December 15, 1883 ~ Saturday

15 I visited Brothe & Sister Everetts and Attended
the conference. Prayer By Charles Smith w woodruff
spoke a few words The Bishops of the various wards made
a verbal report and the statistical report of the stake
we found it contained 1 Apostle, 3 Patriarchs
143 Seventies, 146 High Priests, 480 Elders, 23 Priests
24 Teachers, 188 Deacons, 2053 Members, 3066
Officers & Members, 1386 children under 8 years of age
4452 Total of Souls. Sunday School Report was then read
263 Officers & Teachers, 1254 Pupils, 1517 officers &
Members, F M Lyman spoke 35 M[inutes]. He gave instruction
upon the subject of the Quorums of Priests Teachers
& Deacons Afternoon Henry Eyring Prayed J McAllister
spoke 34 M[inutes]. Reports of the relief society was then read
Also the report of the young Mens Mutual Improvement
Also the Primary Report. G Teasdale then
spoke 45 M[inutes]. We also held a Priesthood Meeting in the
Evening The Canaan Herd Stock Difficulty occupied
most of the Evening I spent the night at Br McArthurs


Browse people Wilford Woodruff mentioned on this day in his journal.

10 mentions
8 mentions
McArthur, Daniel Duncan
8 Apr 1820 - 3 Jun 1908
89 mentions
Lyman, Francis Marion
12 Jan 1840 - 16 Nov 1916
255 mentions
Teasdale, George
8 Dec 1831 - 9 Jul 1907
599 mentions
Apostle, Missionary
Eyring, Henry
9 Mar 1835 - 10 Feb 1902
70 mentions
McAllister, John Daniel Thompson
19 Feb 1827 - 21 Jan 1910
636 mentions

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Daybook (6 December 1883 - 3 May 1884)
15 I visited Br Everetts & Attended Meeting at 10 {shorthand} {shorthand} Charles Smith [FIGURE] I recd a letter from Leslie W W spoke a few words The Bishops of the various wards made a verbal report the statistics of the stake are 1 Apostles, 3 patriarchs, 148 seventies, 146 High priests, 480 Elders, 23 priests 24 Teachers, 188 Deacons 2053 M[embers] 3066 officers & Members 1386 Children 4452 total souls. Sunday School Report was then read 263 officers & teachers. 1254 pupils, 1517 officers & Members F M Lyman spok 35 M[inutes] He gave instruction upon the Quorums of Dea[cons] pTeachers & priests
Daybook (6 December 1883 - 3 May 1884)
Afternoon Henry Eyring prayed J McAllister spok 34 M[inutes] 3 x 2 Reports of the Relief society read Report of the Y[ou]ng Men Mutual Report of the Primary. 12 x 2 G Teasdale spok 45 M[inutes] 12 x 2 We held a Meeting in the Evn[in]g with the priesthood the stock at Canan occupied most of the meeting I spent the Night at Br McArthurs
Telegram from John Taylor, 15 December 1883
Salt Lake . Send the following Message, subject to the above terms, which are agreed to: To W. Woodruff, -[GIVE ADDRESS IN FULL]- St. George. Your list received. names considered, mail you letter to-night John Taylor READ THE NOTICE AND AGREEMENT AT THE TOP.


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Dec 15, 1883