March 1st 1884 This is my birthday I am 77 years old this
March 1, 1884
Wilford Woodruff
Is 77 years
Old to day
day I am in the Enjoymet of Good health
and my weight is 175 lbs 5 lbs more
than I Ever weighed before. I am having
a meeting of all my Family to day it is also
Emmas Birth day she is 46 years old today
See my Journal March 1, 1884 I had a vary interesting family
Meeting I had present on the occasion
Azmon Woodruff & wife | 2 |
Wilford Woodruff & wife Phebe & G. S. Leslie & Orion Snow & Jenna | 5 |
Wilford Woodruff Jr wife 4 sons & 2 daughter |
Emma Woodruff 2 sons & 3 daughters | 6 |
Sarah D Woodruff, 3 sons & 2 daughter |
James Woodruff & wife, 2 sons & 2 daughter | 6 |
Bulah 1 son, 2 daughter & Brother Beatie | 5 |
Elias Smith and wife | 2 |
Sarah Foss Elizabeth Cowley 1 son & 2 daughter | 5 |
[Total] | 46 |
I had present with me 1 Brother, 3 wives, 7 sons
6 Daughters, 7 Grand sons & 6 Grand Daughters. We had our
Dinner at 3 oclok we then all gathered togethered in the
Parlor for Prayer and conversation
^ Wilford Woodruff Sen then offered up Prayer and
dedicated the House and his family unto the Lord At the close
of the prayer W. Woodruff then addressed the family and
Expressed his feeling to them upon the occasion and
Exhorted his wives his sons & daughters to righteousness
& Holiness before the Lord at the close of his remarks
his son Wilford Woodruff Jun made a request that
they be permitted to lay their hands upon their fathers head
and Bless him I then took a chair and 5 sons & 2
grand sons laid their hands upon my head and Blessed
me. Then many of the family spoke and expressed themselves
upon the occasion and many of the children spoke peaces
and Wilford's son Elias Woodruff Deliverd the following
Address to his Grand Father To our beloved Grand Father
Our dear Grand Father We greet thee on this thy seventy
seventh birth day. We wish you many, many hapy returns
returns of the same. For this and more we Ever pray. We all
will strive to walk in thy footsteps, and listen unto thy councils
as thou art a man of God. We likewise hope to become the same,
and with the help of our Heavenly Father, and for this we will strive
You have done a vast amount of Good both for the living and the dead
your days have been many, and many call you blessed. Thou hast been
in the hands of God The savior of thousands. Through the Blessings
of God your life has been preserved from death through many dangers
through which you have been called to pass through Thou hast accompliished
a great work, and we all of one voice say peace, & Blessings be unto you
to the End of thy days Please accept of this tribute of Love and respect from
your little Grand son Elias Woodruff. Written for him By Julia Woodruff
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Wilford's son Elias Woodruff Deliverd the following Address to his Grand Father To our Beloved Grand Father Our dear Grand Father We greet thee On this thy seventy Seventh birth day, we wish you many many hapy returns returns of the same. For this and more we Ever pray. We all will strive to walk in thy footsteps, and listen unto thy councils as thou art a man of God. we likewise hope to become the same, and with the help of our Heavenly Father, and for this we will strive You have done a vast amount of Good both for the living and the dead your days have been many, and many call you blessed. Thou hast been in the hands of God The savior of thousands. Through the blessings of God your life has been preserved from death through many dangers through which you have been called to pass through Thou hast accompliished a great work, and we all of one voice say peace, & Blessings be unto you to the End of thy days Please accept of this tribute of Love and respect from your little Grand Son Elias Woodruff. Written for him By Julia Woodruff
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