Day in the Life

Apr 19, 1884

Journal Entry

April 19, 1884 ~ Saturday

19 I took cars & rode to Nephie and attended Meeting at 11 {o'clock} 95 miles
The bishops made verbal reports I dined with Br Teasdale
Afternoon Statistics read & showed Officers & Members
1941, children 700, Total souls 2649. C R Savage spoke
44 M[inutes]. Afternoon G Teasdale spoke 57 M W Woodruff 30.
I attended the Primary & spoke to the children I attended
the Priesthood Meeting in the Evening W Woodruff spoke
45 M G Teasdale 15 M Br Paxman 15 M 217 of the
Priesthood was present


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31 mentions
Teasdale, George
8 Dec 1831 - 9 Jun 1907
725 mentions
Apostle, Missionary


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Daybook (6 December 1883 - 3 May 1884)
April 19 {shorthand} Nephi 100 M[iles] {shorthand} 11 c & he[a]rd the B[i]shops verbal {shorthand} Statistical repo[r]ts total off[i]cer[s] & Members 1941, child[re]n 700, Total souls 2647 C R Savage spok[e] 44 M[inutes] [sideways text] 3 to 2 [end of sideways text] Afternoon 2 1/2 Br Andrew G Teasdale spok[e] 57 M[inutes] 2 to 6 W Woodruff spok[e] 30 M 2 to 0 I attended the primary & spok[e] to the ch[i]ld[re]n I attended the priesthood {shorthand} at 7:30 w w spok[e] 45 M[inutes] G Teasdale spok[e] 15 M [sideways text] 8 x 4 [end of sideways text]
Daybook (6 December 1883 - 3 May 1884)
Br Paxman spok[e] 15 M[inutes] 217 of the pr[ie]sthood at {shorthand} {shorthand}


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Apr 19, 1884