Day in the Life

Apr 20, 1884

Journal Entry

April 20, 1884 ~ Sunday

20 Sunday I met with the Priesthood or prayer circle
in the Morning & gave some instruction. I met with
the sabbath school conference in the forenoon a crouded
House, sacrament administered superintendents
reported 936 scholars in the stake. W Woodruff spoke
30 M[inutes] G Teasdale 30 M. Afternoon Prayer By J Bigler
W Woodruff spoke 45 M, G Teasdale 25 M. I took
supper with Br Andrews. I attended Meeting at 7 oclok
I called upon the People to Testify sone [some] near 30 spoke
W Woodruff spoke 30 M I spent the night with Br Teasdale


Browse people Wilford Woodruff mentioned on this day in his journal. Click on the person's name to view a short bio and other pages they are mentioned on or click on "View in Family Search" to view their FamilySearch profile.

Teasdale, George
8 Dec 1831 - 9 Jun 1907
725 mentions
Apostle, Missionary
Bigler, Jacob G.
4 Apr 1813 - 23 Feb 1907
Andrews, John
24 Nov 1816 - 17 Jul 1888

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Daybook (6 December 1883 - 3 May 1884)
Aprail 20. {shorthand} {shorthand} order {shorthand} Met at 102 c in the sabbath school {shorthand} G Teasdale a crowded House sacrament administered superintendents reported the sabbath schools 936 office[rs] & Member[s] of the school of the stake w w sp[o]k[e] 30 M[inutes] G Teasdale spok[e] 30 M[inutes] 8 Afternoon {shorthand} J Bigler w woodruff spok[e] 45 M[inutes] G Teasdale sp[o]k[e] 25 M[inutes] 7 I dtook supper with Br Andrews held Meeting at 7 c John Hunting spok[e] prayed
Daybook (6 December 1883 - 3 May 1884)
I lcalld [called] [upon] the {people} to testify the Breth[ren] spok[e] 21 Min[utes] w w spoke 30 M[inutes] I spe[n]t the night at Br Teasdales


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Apr 20, 1884