Day in the Life

Feb 8, 1886

Journal Entry

February 08, 1886 ~ Monday

Feb 8th 1886 Keys crossed A crown A hand pointing to the right Glory Hallelalulah to God and
[FIGURE] and the Lamb for his mericies Endureth forever
Let all the Earth Praise the Lord. The History of this day
is one of the Most important Events of my life and is well
worth a place in the Re[c]ords of the History of the Church
I was requested to meet with the Twelve at the office
this Evening on Church business Accordingly I left the
farm at 5 oclok AM on a pair of running geers, and
Asahel drove me up to the Historians Office I arived
there at 6 oclok I had to sit out of Doors untill 8 oclk
before I could get in not having keys with me I found
Brother Erastus Snow abed I talked with him a short
time He drested & Eat his Breakfast we counciled
upon various things I attended to some business
with Brother Jaques. Then some brethren came in

to convers upon some Legislative Business and
Brother Franklin D Richards came in and
Anounced that our office was all surrounded
by a body of Marshals I imediately locked up my
Papers in a draw[er] put on my overshues hung up
my overcoat and took a survey of our position
I saw we had some 20 Marshals surrounded the
Gardo House & our office, and there was No Escape
Brother Erastus Snow & myself were the ownly two
persons that they would be liable to arest we went up
into a small Bed Room & locked ourselves in &
we were there an hour watching the Marshals
guarding outside while others were searching the
Gardo House they searched that Building from top
to Bottom also the Lion & Behive House & President
and were searching the Tithing Office and
after we had Been shut up an hour in our little
bed Room like two Rats in a trap we thought it
was not wisdom for us to be go caught in that
Brother Milando Pratt thought they were about
to search the office Brother Snow & myself then
went down into the Lower Room occupied By F RD
Richards we saw the front of the Office occupied
By the Marshals I saw we had got to take some desperate
chance and But Little time to do it in the Marshals
wer all around & many were gath[er]ing in the streets
At first the Brethren seemed to think that one of
the Brethren had better drvive a Buggy up to the door

and I Better try my hand at getting in to that and 2
Buggies were Driven up I prayed in my heart for the
Lord to direct me at that instant Brother Jenson stept
in to the Room with his glasses on I put my Glasses on
I said to Brother Jenson I will walk with you ac[r]oss
the street to the other office we walked out of the
door to the gate together there was a Marshal each
side of the Gate & a Dozen more on each side of the
side walk leading to the Gardo & Greenman coming
upon the west with the squad of Marshals who had
been searching the Tithing Office and we walked right
right through betwen the two lines of Marshals
to the crossing from the Gardo House to the Presidents
and then crossed the street into the office
through all the Marshals perhaps 20 of them & many
of the Brethren who had gathered in the street and
the Eyes of all the Marshals was closed By the
power of God and all they saw was Jenson quite a
smart Danishman and me an other old Codger of
a Danishman The saints knew me The Marshals did
not The street and yard Before the Presidents office was
full of Brethren who knew me I recognized No one nor
paid attention to any one The dangerous feature in
the operation was the Eyes of all the Brethren in the street
followed me from time I left the Historians office untill I
Entered the Presidents office so said the observers when
I shut the door of the clerks office Behind me I felt to
shout Glory Halleluhah though I said Nothing ownly thank God

As soon as I got into the office I passed into
the upper story I was [so]on ^met^ by Br Hyde Seymour B
& others as ther was ^4^ Marshals stationed in the
rear of the Lion & Behive Hous I went through a
gate on the East & got into a Buggy of Seymour
B youngs & He drove me to his Mothers whare I got
dinner staid untill 8 oclok when Broth Hide took
me in his Buggy took me to Emmas whare I f[ou]nd
them in a Excited state I spent a few moments with
them then wient to my safe resting place Now for
Broth Snow As soon as I was safe my heart was
drawn out for Brother Snow I felt to Pray God to del[i]ver
him as He had done me when He undertook to
leave the Office as I had done He met Greenman
at the Door with his Marshals to search He said
Gentlemen dont leave here untill we get through
As Greenman was about to go into the office
Gilson handed him quite a Bundle of papers
probably warrants As they Entered F. D Richards
office one of the Marshals By the Name of Smith
knew Erastus Snow and steped up to him & commenced
to thtalk to him as the Marshals were Examing the
Room & preparing to go through the House F D Richards
steped up to Marshal Smith & said I suppose you
have No particular Business with this friend of yours
I want to speak with him I have a little Business with [him]
The Marshal says O No I have No Business with
him and Brother Richards walked off with him some

and like myself He was saved Now from this
House [Hour] Let not Wilford Woodruff, Erastus Snow
nor any other Saint Ever distrust the God of Israel
or the Son of God from protecting or Deliv[er]ing any
servant of God who should be deliv[er]ed, and when-
ever it is otherwise it is because it is the will of God
as in the Death of the Saviorur & of Joseph & Hyrum Smith


Browse people Wilford Woodruff mentioned on this day in his journal. Click on the person's name to view a short bio and other pages they are mentioned on or click on "View in Family Search" to view their FamilySearch profile.

85 mentions
Woodruff, Asahel Hart, b. 1863
3 Feb 1863 - 2 Jul 1939
708 mentions
Woodruff, Emma Smith
1 Mar 1838 - 6 Mar 1912
1038 mentions
Snow, Erastus
9 Nov 1818 - 27 May 1888
702 mentions
Richards, Franklin Dewey
2 Apr 1821 - 9 Dec 1899
819 mentions
Smith, Hyrum
9 Feb 1800 - 27 Jun 1844
427 mentions
Young, Jane Adeline Bicknell
14 Aug 1814 - 15 Jan 1913
Jaques, John
7 Jan 1827 - 1 Jun 1900
Smith, Joseph (Jr.)
23 Dec 1805 - 27 Jun 1844
Pratt, Milando Merrill
30 Sep 1848 - 8 Nov 1930
Young, Seymour Bicknell
8 Oct 1837 - 15 Dec 1924


View selected quotes from this page in Wilford Woodruff's journal.

Brother Franklin D Richards came in and Anounced that Our Office was all surrounded by a body of Marshals I imediately locked up my Papers in a draw[er] Put on my overshues hung up my overcoat and took a survey of our position I saw we had some 20 Marshals surrounded the Gardo House & Our office, and there was No Escape Brother Erastus Snow & myself were the ownly two Persons that they would be liable to arest we went up into a small Bed Room & locked ourselves in & we were there an hour watching the Marshals guarding outside while others were searching the Gardo House they searched that Building from top to Bottom also the Lion & Behive House & President Offices and were searching the Tithing Office and after we had Been shut up an hour in our little bed Room like two Rats in a trap we thought it was not wisdom for us to be go caught in that Brother Milando Pratt thought they were about to search the office Brother Snow & myself then went down into the Lower Room occupied By F D Richards we saw the front of the Office occupied By the Marshals I saw we had got to take some desperate chance and But Little time to do it in the Marshals wer all around & many were gath[er]ing in the streets At first the Brethren seemed to think that one of the Brethren had better drvive a Buggy up to the door
~ Wilford Woodruff
and I Better try my hand at getting in to that and 2 Buggies were Driven up I prayed in my heart for the Lord to direct me at that instant Brother Jenson stept in to the Room with his glasses on I put my Glasses on I said to Brother Jenson I will walk with you acrss the street to the other Office we walked out of the door to the gate together there was a Marshal each side of the Gate & a Dozen more on each side of the side walk leading to the Gardo & Greenman coming upon the west with the squad of Marshals who had been searching the Tithing Office and we walked right right through betwen the two lines of Marshals to the crossing from the Gardo House to the Presidents Office and then crossed the street into the office through all the Marshals perhaps 20 of them & many of the Brethren who had gathered in the street and the Eyes of all the Marshals was closed By the power of God and all they saw was Jenson quite a smart Danishman and me an other Old Codger of a Danishman The saints knew me The Marshals did not The street and yard Before the Presidents office was full of Brethren who knew me I recognized No one nor paid attention to any one The dangerous feature in the operation was the Eyes of all the Brethren in the street followed me from time I left the Historians office untill I Entered the Presidents office so said the observers when I shut the door of the clerks office Behind me I felt to shout Glory Halleluhah though I said Nothing ownly thank God
~ Wilford Woodruff

Feb 8, 1886