Day in the Life

Sep 3, 1887

Journal Entry

September 03, 1887 ~ Saturday

3 A hand pointing to the right A folded letter/box I receivd 6 Letters 3 from Sarah, Roskelley, & Atkin
& 3 Public Letters I wrote 5 family Letters to Sarah, Bell
Roskelley Atkin & his daughter Nellie & 10 public Letters
A single key with teeth to the right we administered to Sister Davey who was quite sick


Browse people Wilford Woodruff mentioned on this day in his journal. Click on the person's name to view a short bio and other pages they are mentioned on or click on "View in Family Search" to view their FamilySearch profile.

Moses, Phoebe Arabell Woodruff
30 May 1859 - 7 Sep 1939
167 mentions
Roskelley, Samuel
1 Jan 1837 - 10 Feb 1914
Woodruff, Sarah Brown
1 Jan 1834 - 9 May 1909
707 mentions

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Letter to Bernhard Herman Schittler, 3 September 1887

Elder B. H. Schettler Dear Brother: Will you do me the favor to tell me what there is due in my note in the Bank for Stock? The original note was for $60000. I paid interest on it for awhile. I wish to know what interest is due together with the principle, and as I have $300.00 in the Bank is there any interest due me on that amount, if so, how much? I wish to know how much is required to pay my note besides what I have in the Bank. Direct to W. Woodruff, care of James Jack at the President's Office. And oblige Your Brother, Wilford Woodruff

Letter to William Atkin, 3 September 1887

Salt Lake U. T. Dear Brother Atkin Last evenings Mail brought me your kind letter of Aug 28 and also Lady Nellie`s which I read with much interest and which was quite amusing to my friends who heard it read My health is good at present I am whare I can have exercise except while in council in the city but the fact is I do not have much time for Hunting Ducks or fishing these We are in council for days at a time and a flood of business, and from 10 to 40 letters in a Day on private & bpublic business and from 20 to 50 recommends to sign Daily so I have not much spare time All the Apostles are come stable except B Y, & G. Teasdale E Snow's eyes are not as bad as represented He can read his letters with Glasses and He writes letters

Letter to Nellie Atkin, 3 September 1887

SALT LAKE U. T. Miss Nellie Atkin The Lady of the Lake My Dear Love I received your very interesting Letter last night and I read it with much interest. I read it in the presence of Apostles & a room full of people and that were much pleased that though you was a brave young Lady who was willing to do so much to defend the Life & interest of the president of the Church But I dont wish to put my little Lady Nellie to so much trouble & danger. I have a large stout man who goes with me every where night & day cCarries 2 pistels & a Double Barrel Shot Gun and sayes He will shoot the Marshals if they come to take me (Dont tell anybody of this) so I am jolly well garded. He drives a very fast Team. He drove me to Provo with Emma to see Clara 50 miles in 5 Hours & 30 minutes the natural gate of the Horses without any urging. Alice Enquires a great deal about you. She would be very glad to see you and so would I if you should Ever Come into the North Country with your (page 2) Father or Mother you must go to Emmas & stop with them and with Alice and make them a long visit. I shall go & see you if you come in this County or if I go into the South I shall go and see you. You dont know how much I miss you in Buttoning up my shoes. I dont stop at home many nights so Alice cant button my shoes. And I have to ask some big man that will weigh about 200 lbs to button my shoes and He is so awkward about it I wish I had my Nellie with me. I would be glad to be with you & go to the garding & Eat some of those good water mellons. Well I hope I shall see you some time if I should live long Enough untill you get to be a young woman and get married to a good

Daybook (July - November 1887 and April - October 1888)

Sept 3 recd 10 letters wrote 20 public Dcmts letters


View selected events in the two months surrounding this date in Wilford Woodruff's life. Click on the dates to jump to that day in Wilford Woodruff's journal.

Wilford, as President of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles, becomes the leader of the Church.

Sep 3, 1887