Day in the Life

Sep 12, 1887

Journal Entry

September 12, 1887 ~ Monday

12 A hand pointing to the right A folded letter/box I went to the office this morning I receivd 26 Letters
18 Public & 8 Private I signed 36 Recommends spent night in office


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Letter from James Spencer, 12 September 1887

Pres W. Woodruff Dear Brother I write to inform you that I am re^a^dy and will be in the city in time you mentioned in your letter of advice. your obedient Servant and Brother in the Gospel James Spencer O C Hoskins BP

Letter from James Spencer, 12 September 1887

Accepts Mission

Letter from John Hansen Jr., 12 September 1887

Utah, . Pres. Wilford Woodruff, Salt Lake City, Dear Bro., Your call for me to go on a mission to the Southern States came to hand on the 10 inst. In reply, can say I am willing to go and do the best I can. And will be ready to s[t]art on the day set for any thing I know at the present. Your humble servent and bro. in the gospel, John Hansen Jr. Orrin P Miller Bishop. It appears Bro. Hansen jr is not ordained an Elder. I have advised him of the course most propper for him to pirsue to be ordained and Endowed Angus M. Cannon, Pres. of Stake

Letter from Lorenzo Richardson Thomas, 12 September 1887

Pres Wilford Woodruff Dear Bro Yours of the 9th to Hand and in Reply would say that while I feel my weekness and Inebility to do Justice to Sutch an Emportant Call I will willingly accept and do the Best that Lyes in my Power to perform the Duties of this Mission you mentioned the Southern

Letter to Leslie Woodruff Snow, 12 September 1887

PRESIDENT'S OFFICE CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST. OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS, P. O. BOX B. Salt Lake U. T. Sept 12, 1887 Private My Dear Leslie I received your Letter of Sept 5 and was Glad to hear from you. The Last I heard from Sarah they were improving but Bell was still poorly all the Rest were better Clara got better Emma Blanch & Alice are with her on a visit though Blanch is going to the Academy but stop there to keep Clara company Sharp Walker & Sidney H Beaty are both Dead. Beaty died last night It is ^as^ well for both of them to be dead as alive As to myself I am in the Enjoyment of fair health but I never knew what it was to be busy before in my Life, but I thought weI had but I was mistaken all the business that was upon president Taylor is turned over upon me and about 50 percent added including my own affairs

Letter from Richard Morris, 12 September 1887

St. Geeorge, Washington Co: Utah . President Woodruff & Chorum of the twelve Apostles. Dear brethern, knowing that you have a deep intrest in St. George, and its inhabitants I take the liberty of informing you of our incourageing prospects in the Washington Field and Dam. After losing our crops for two years, with many strugles a great expense & the little assistance in labor tithing we received from President Talor, we were enabled to again get the water on our land, late this spring. To late to raise small grain but have brought back our crops of Lucern, together with cane & some little corn & we feel very much gratified in our present prospects after such a hard strugle. We have had no trouble whatever this summer with our dam & it has supplyied us with an even stream of water sufficient to water all the land under it. Persons intreserested in the dam & others from other settlements that have gone to inspect it, (which have been many) all pronounce it one of the

Letter to Leslie Woodruff Snow, 12 September 1887

PRESIDENT'S OFFICE CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST. OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS, P.O. BOX B. Private Salt Lake U. T. Sept 12, 1887 My Dear Leslie I recieved your Letter of Sept 5, and was glad to hear from you. The Last I heard from Sarah they were improving but Bell was still poorly all the rest were better Clara got better Emma Blanch & Alice are with her on a visit though Blanch is going to the Academy but stays there to keep Clara company Sharp Walker Sidney H. Beaty are both Dead. Beaty died last night It is ^as^ well for both of them to be dead as alive As to myself I am in the enjoyment of fair health but I never knew what it was to be busy before in my Life, but I thought weI had but I was mistaken all the business that was upon president Taylor is turned over upon me in about 50 per cent added including my own affect

Letter from James J. Hoosemaus, circa 12 September 1887

Jersey City Gentleman The undersigned, 40 years of age, Hollander by birth and 3 years in America, reading and writing besides Holl. and english langage, german and french is a competent horticulturist. As I am informed that, your country every good and healthy is, and it is very unhealthy here, I will be much obliged to you, by informing me if you suppose I can do well


View selected events in the two months surrounding this date in Wilford Woodruff's life. Click on the dates to jump to that day in Wilford Woodruff's journal.

Wilford, as President of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles, becomes the leader of the Church.

Sep 12, 1887