Day in the Life

Feb 5, 1888

Journal Entry

February 05, 1888 ~ Sunday

5 Sunday I spent the day in the House reading Clara
was quite Poorly through the day


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Beebe, Clara Martisha Woodruff
23 Jul 1868 - 29 Dec 1927
419 mentions

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Letter from William Budge, 5 February 1888
President W Woodruff Dear Bro On arriving at Boise City we —John Irvine and myself—found that our case had been set for friday next (the 10th) which at first rather disappointed us in view of our having to wait, but from what I soon learned otherwise, I concluded that the de- lay was fortunate as it was likely to be of advantage to us. On this last visit to Boise I found that the public interest had greatly increased in the "test oath" case, and it is anxiously considered by leading men of both parties with hopes and fears according to their political expectations. Mr Johnson takes great interest in his work on it, and will do justice to it. I found many old political friends in Boise, and a very general good feeling prevails towards us. As I am very bussy, I concluded not to return to the hearing of the case having done, with the help of the Lord, all that I think I can do at present to promote our interests, and as I may have to go there after the decision is rendered. I trust in the Lord directing what should be done by others in whose hands our liberties are at present placed. Bro Irvine should to be in time leave the City on Wednesday afternoon. Praying for your health, and prosperity I remain, Your Bro Wm Budge
Letter from Andrew Kimball, 5 February 1888
President Woodruff, Dear Brother: I take pleasure in reporting the condition of The Indian Territory Mission. Letters last received from all inside of the last week express somewhat more of success than for some time prior to that. The Elders have all been labor- ing in new fields, extending their travels into the interior of the Choctaw Nation. In some instances they have been bitterly opposed and in other places have found kind friends and have opened new fields. The Brethren seem to feel encouraged of late hav- ing found those openings for preach- ing the Gospel and getting friends. Elder J. A. Booth now the oldest in the field is quite sick, hav- ing chilled so much that it is almost cronic with him now, his bowels have become ^so^ badly affected that he can scarcely strain food, has the peles badly also. He exprisses a desire to remain, with the hope that a change will do him good.


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Feb 5, 1888