Day in the Life

Apr 16, 1888

Journal Entry

April 16, 1888 ~ Monday

16 A hand pointing to the right I signed 13 Recommends I received 18 Letters
I wrote 140 Public Letters & 24 Private

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Letter from Arthur Stayner, 16 April 1888
City President Wilford Woodruff Dear Brother: I respectfully ask for an interview upon the subject of the Sugar Industry: or failing that privilege, an early consideration of a letter upon that subject which I will forthwith submit to you There are weighty matters of option and other things awaiting adjustment concerning which I very much need counsel and advice Very respectfully Arthur Stayner
Letter from William Charles Spence, 16 April 1888
Prest Wilford Woodruff, Dear Brother: Elders Jesse and Heber Perkins of Arizona who have been absent somthing over two years on a mission to the Southern States, have just returned to their home, and send the attached pencil statement that their fares cost them each $4800 from Chattanooga to Holbrook Arizona, and 80¢ for telegraphing. Total $9700 This amount they borrowed from the Chattanooga Office, and ask if consistent, that the same be re- funded, and forwarded to President William Spry at Chattanooga, who furnished them the means. Your Brother in the Gospel W. C. Spence
Letter from Boye P. B. Petersen, 16 April 1888
Cǎstle Dale To the Presedensÿ of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Sents Dear Breathern: as I had a Letter from You Oct 3, Last 1887 asking me a baut my Naturalazešien Ship, and Cǔbject to Military Duty, if I were sent to Danmark on a Mišion wich I have anseret, an as I have Preparet me a Litle for it bÿ Selling one of my Work Horses, and as Mony is hard to Get and hard to keep, I wish you would Favor me with a feaw Words a bout it weather my Searviš iš Nedet or Not. verÿ Respectfǔllÿ Your Brother in the Gosple. Boÿe P. B. Petersēn Cǎstle Dǎle, Emery Co


View selected events in the two months surrounding this date in Wilford Woodruff's life. Click on the dates to jump to that day in Wilford Woodruff's journal.

Wilford directs all 32 stakes to establish Stake Academies to educate youth of the Church.

Apr 16, 1888