Day in the Life

Apr 27, 1888

Journal Entry

April 27, 1888 ~ Friday

27 A hand pointing to the right I signed 21 Recommends. I received 20 Letters
I wrote 12 Letters, 8 Public, & 3 Private to Bleak
Cottam & Jack I went to grave yard in the Evening
to see my Lot which I have bout I bought 4 lots in
[FIGURE] a square 4 rods square it was in a Deep gulley
I built a wall 8 feet high on the west side and leveled
it up with soil and a stone coping around it the
work cost me $200 & the Lot $48, Total 248.
I then to the farm & spent the night 8 mile


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Bleak, James Godson
15 Nov 1829 - 30 Jan 1918
Cottam, Thomas
20 Oct 1820 - 10 Nov 1896


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Letter to Thomas and Caroline Smith Cottam, 27 April 1888
Salt Lake U. T. Brother & Sister Thomas Cottam Dear friends I wished to write a Letter to Brother Bleak I did not wish to direct to him so I Enclose it to you which please Deliver when you have a chance I hear from you occasionally by Brother Wm And I am always glad to hear that you are as Well as you are and that Grand Ma is able to be about her house she had a long seige of sickness I sent Brother Thompson one of my Likenesses I will Endeavor to send you one as soon as I can get some More from Savages My Health is quite good Now I get rid of my cold & cough But I am still full of weak
Letter from Christopher Jensen Kempe, 27 April 1888
C J Kempe |CHRITPHER I. KEMPE. P. M. HELENE M. KEMPE, Ass't. UNITED STATES POST OFFICE ERASTUS, APACHE CO., ARIZ. April 27th 1888 Pres. Wilford Woodruff Dear Brother! I inclose letter written by myself and Son a month ago I am very sory for the delay but it has been unintentionally when he wrote his acceptance he had not seen Pres. Udall, as soon as he met him he told him to raise the money first before he sent it he went to Alpine and there Bp Noble told him his calling was not done right as he had not been consulted and he refused to have anything to do with it he considered no one had any authority to call a man to go on a mission from his Ward without his consent and he felt greatly insulted. Pres. Udall however wrote and satisfied him, but as not a thing could be sold for money I
Letter to Emmeline B. Wells, 27 April 1888
Salt Lake City, U. T. Mrs. Emmeline B. Wells, Editor "Woman's Exponent." Dear Sister: In a favor which I have received from you, under date of the 24th. inst., you ask, "First: Are sisters justified in administer- ing the ordinance of washing and anointing previous to confinements to those who have received their en- dowments and have married men outside of the Church?" "Second: Can anyone who has not had their endowments be thus administered to by the sisters if she is a faithful saint in good standing and has not yet had the opportunity of going to


View selected events in the two months surrounding this date in Wilford Woodruff's life. Click on the dates to jump to that day in Wilford Woodruff's journal.

Wilford directs all 32 stakes to establish Stake Academies to educate youth of the Church.

Apr 27, 1888