Day in the Life

Apr 30, 1888

Journal Entry

April 30, 1888 ~ Monday

A hand pointing to the right A folded letter/box April 30th 1888
I rode to Orson Arnolds, & spent the day. I signed
16 Recommends. I received 16 Letters I wrote 45 Letters
to Jaques, Emma, Romney, & Johnson, & Ira Hatch. I met with
May 1. [FIGURE] the Twelve or 6 of them & staid till midnight
we were informed that Erastus Snow was danger-
ously sick with Kidney disease


Browse people Wilford Woodruff mentioned on this day in his journal. Click on the person's name to view a short bio and other pages they are mentioned on or click on "View in Family Search" to view their FamilySearch profile.

Woodruff, Emma Smith
1 Mar 1838 - 6 Mar 1912
1031 mentions
Snow, Erastus
9 Nov 1818 - 27 May 1888
699 mentions
Jaques, John
7 Jan 1827 - 1 Jun 1900
Romney, Miles Park
18 Aug 1843 - 26 Feb 1904
46 mentions


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In company with F D Richards G Q Cannon & several Brethren I visited Erastus Snow who was considered almost in a Dying condition G Q Cannon Anointed him & we laid hands upon him and I was Mouth and I rebuked the power of Death and the Destroyer and commanded it to Depart from him in the Name of the Lord
~ Wilford Woodruff

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Legal - Salt Lake City Cemetery Deed for Wilford Woodruff, 30 April 1888

Given under my hand, this 30th day of April 1888, in Salt Lake City, U T. Joseph E Taylor Sexton. $48 00/100 DESERET NEWS CO., PRINTERS.

Letter to Samuel Amos Woolley, 30 April 1888

Bishop Samuel A. Woolley 9th Ward Dear Brother: Upon a statement which you make to me concerning Annie C. Riter, or Annie C. Riter Ander- son and the prompt manner in which she paid her tithes and offerings and attended meetings, and showed by her conduct that she was sincerely contrite and desired to repent of her wrong do- ing during the remainder of her life after she fell into sin, I feel led to say to you, and through you to her mother and relations, that they can be baptized for her and have all her former blessings sealed in her behalf upon the one who officiates for her. A per- son organized as you say she was deserves charity, and she has gone now to meet her final account; but her record, as you report it, after the sad occurrence which caused her severance from the Church, shows that she had faith in the Gospel and had good desires for herself and her children. Before, however, speaking to her mother upon this, it would be well for you to show this letter to the Presidency of the Stake - Bro Angus M. Cannon & Counselors - and let them know my views upon this subject so that whatever is done may be done

Letter from Charles Ora Card, 30 April 1888

Prest. Wilford Woodruff Salt Lake City Utah USA Dear Brother Your very gratifying letter of the 30th ult came to hand by our last mail and I reply by return of mail. I herewith acknowledge with gratitude the receipt of the Draft of $25000 which I can assure you is very timely for our needs. I have done as far as my limited means would allow me hitherto and spared not. The saints here are poor in the things of this world, but rich in spirit and have faith in the promises of an aAlwise cCreator. This I think will be our hardest season if we are blessed with a moderate yield from the virgin soil. Just now the Eastern press of Canada are having a war of words over the admission of a Mormon Colony into the North West Teritory. A very influential paper (so I am informed) "The Toronto Mail" have taken up our side of the question and are pleading for fairplay for "Our Mormon Colony" and has been attacked by other Journals. The Editor Mr. E Farrer writes me and wishes me to give him an account of

Letter to H. F. McCune, 30 April 1888

Elder H. F. McCune, Clerk of the High Council, Nephi, Juab Co. Dear Brother: You asked me a question upon the subject of witnesses in cases of adultery in "80th par. 42nd sec. of the Doctrine and Covenants, to the effect that "every word shall be two witnesses of the Church," [Doctrine and Covenants 42:80] and state that in the case which you have had before your Council there was only positive evidence given by the woman, but speak of other circumstantial evidence against the men sufficient to convince the Council that he is guilty, and someone seems to be in doubt as to whether this is sufficient. Who shall be termed a witness in a case of Adultery? Must a person have seen the guilty parties in the act of adultery in order to be a witness? If so, it can easily be imagined how few convictions could be obtained. But if one of the parties confess and acknowledges his or her guilt, and then is corroborative evidence of so clear a character as to remove all doubt of the truth of the acknowledgement it should be sufficient to warrant the High Council in declaring the charge sustain. Of course, the denial of the other party is entitled to wait. It ought to receive careful consideration, and in the absence of other proof the denial of one offsets, in a measure, the confession of the other, and in such a case we are not justified in deciding that the guilt of the parties have been established. If, however, the evidence corrobora- tive of the guilt is sufficient to convince all just persons that the sin of adultery has been committed, then the Council is justified in rendering such a decision, and no one should refuse to sustain him on mere technical grounds. With kind regards, Your Brother Wilford Woodruff


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Wilford directs all 32 stakes to establish Stake Academies to educate youth of the Church.

Apr 30, 1888