Day in the Life

Jun 29, 1888

Journal Entry

June 29, 1888 ~ Friday

29 I signed 72 Recommends, I Received 48 Letters I wrote ^11^ Letters
30. I spent most of the day in council

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Letter to Karl Gottfried Maeser, 29 June 1888

Professor Karl G. Maeser, Provo. Dear Brother: Your favor of the 26th June, en- closing a copy of your letter of resignation to the Board of Trustees of the B. Y. Academy, which you state you in- tend to hand in on Saturday next, has been received. In reply thereto I sent a dispatch this morning requesting you not to present your letter of resignation until you heard from me. I think it well for you to not present your letter of resignation until there has been def- inite action by the General Board of Education. We forwarded you, in a letter which I sent to you, a full transcript of all the proceedings that were transacted at that meeting. By reference thereto you will see that there was nothing official done in regards to yourself. All the conversation that was had upon this subject was informal between two or three members, and I communicated that

Letter to Brigham Young Jr., 29 June 1888

Salt Lake City, Utah, . Elder Brigham Young, Dear Brother: Your brief letter of the 17th has just reached me. I am not surprised to hear from you of the fatigue and lameness which you feel in consequence of the hard trip that you have taken. You have passed through a very rough country, and if you have had many miles of road to make you have had a tedious time. There is nothing particularly new since I last wrote to you, excepting that we are still progressing somewhat in our attempt to aef- fect a settlement of the Church suit; but as we progress the hunger of the officers seems to increase. A comparison was made to us by a man not of our faith that they reminded him of wolves sitting and licking their chops, waiting for their prey. Their eyes glare at the mention of property with the same eagerness and hunger that wild animals have when they scent their prey. But the Council has decided that we had better do everything we can to effect a settlement, even if it takes all the property that they claim. We would liked you to have been with us to have given us your views upon the subject. It wis with great reluctance that we do this—the same reluctance with which we have yielded our property in days past, when armed mobs have stood

Letter from Janne Mattson Sjödahl, 29 June 1888

Manti President Wilford Woodruff, Salt Lake City. Dear brother, In answer to your kind favor of May 18th, wherein you intimate that, if I come to the city by July the first, the printing of the Book of D. & C. can be commenced, allow me to say that I shall be in the city next Monday or Tuesday night, D. V. I hope arrangements have been made so that the printing can com- mence without much

Letter from Angus Munn Cannon, Joseph E. Taylor, Charles W. Penrose, and James D. Stirling, 29 June 1888

Salt Lake City, . President Wilford Woodruff Chairman of the General Board of Education of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Dear Brother: From a large list of names canvassed last evening ^by^ the ^High Council, the^ following named brethern were unanimously nominated as the Board of Education for this Stake of Zion, and are respect- fully submitted to you for your consideration: Angus M. Cannon. William B. Dougall. John Nicholson. William W. Riter. Elias Morris. James Watson. Francis Cope. x William A Rossiter Your Brethern in the Gospel. Angus M. Cannon. Joseph E. Taylor. Charles W. Penrose. Stake Presidency. James D. Stirling Sec'y. x As approved.


View selected events in the two months surrounding this date in Wilford Woodruff's life. Click on the dates to jump to that day in Wilford Woodruff's journal.

Wilford directs all 32 stakes to establish Stake Academies to educate youth of the Church.
Church's attorneys obtain commitment from United States Solicitor that temples would not be confiscated.

Jun 29, 1888