Day in the Life

Jul 2, 1888

Journal Entry

July 02, 1888 ~ Monday

2 I signed 25 Recommends. I received 25 Letters
A hand pointing to the right I wrote 6 Letters one to Jaques. We had interviews
with Badlam & Trombo we finally agreed to settle to
day with Peters & Dyer. My Men bored at the farm
for Artcian well we bored 300 [feet] without water &
with Hydrolic press we drew it up I went to
the farm twice & spent the night 12 Miles


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Letter from Marriner Wood Merrill, 2 July 1888
President Wilford Woodruff Dear Brother replying to yours of 27th ult in relation to the officers of the Logan Temple Association will say, that Bro Jas A Leishman Secy & Bro Geo. W. Thatcher Treas, have not got along very well in their Offices. I have tried to Reconcile matters between them about their Business relations; but I find that for some cause unknown to me, not the most amicable feeling exist. Bro Thatcher being a banker does not care to Handle produce, and produce is what we principally get. I write this as a private matter, so you may be posted as to how matters are in relation to them Respectfully M. W. Merrill
Letter to Moses Franklin Farnsworth, 2 July 1888
Salt Lake City, Utah, . Elder M.F. Farnsworth, Manti Temple. Dear Brother: The register of ordinance work in the Manti Temple up to June 29th., which you have forwarded, has been received. It is pleasing to see that the work is increasing, and no doubt the day is not far distant when the people of the Temple District will be- come fully alive to the importance of the opportunities which they have for attending to ordinances for their dead and you will then have all the work you can do. It is gratifying to hear that the Spirit of the Lord has reigned in the Temple since its dedication and has pbeen manifested in the good feeling that has prevailed among the wiorkers. Brothers Geo. Q. and Jos. F. join me in love to yourself, President Wells, and the brethren and sisters. I remain, Your Brother, Wilford Woodruff
Letter from Karl Gottfried Maeser, 2 July 1888
Provo City, Utah, President Wilford Woodruff. Dear Brother, Your telegram, instructing me to withouthold my resigna- tion for the present, was received last Friday evening, and your letter of June 26, concerning Bro. Talmage's probable call to the Salt Lake Academy, likewise the letter of June 29, in answer to my note submitting to you copy of resignation, were received Saturday morning. In regard to the call of Bro. Talmage to the S. L. Stake Acade- my, I have felt the wisdom of that move from the moment that I was informed of it at our last meeting; but as then no immediate prospects presented themselves of having that plan put into execution, and the B. Y. Academy, after my removal, needed some one to preside over it, it was natural for me, to suggest the temporary arrangement, which I took the liberty of laying before you; the more so, as Bro. Benj. Cluff, for various reasons, would not be well qualified to take charge of the institution, or any other for that matter, immediately after his return. The reason for my concern in regard to my re- signation being handed in on June 30, was, that on that


View selected events in the two months surrounding this date in Wilford Woodruff's life. Click on the dates to jump to that day in Wilford Woodruff's journal.

Wilford directs all 32 stakes to establish Stake Academies to educate youth of the Church.
Church's attorneys obtain commitment from United States Solicitor that temples would not be confiscated.

Jul 2, 1888