Day in the Life

Jul 3, 1888

Journal Entry

July 03, 1888 ~ Tuesday

3 I signed 25 recommends I receivd 35 Letters &
A hand pointing to the right wrote 14 Letters to Jaques & Dr Shipp


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Jaques, John
7 Jan 1827 - 1 Jun 1900

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Letter from Leonard James Jordan, 3 July 1888

Dear Bro. Woodruff, In answer to your note of June 26th I would say that I will be ready at the date you mention as I know of nothing to prevent my going at that time. I feel that it is a duty of every Elder to respond when called and I am glad that I am considered worthy of undertaking this responsibbility and hope to be humble before the Lord that His Spirit may direct me throughout and that my mission may be of great good to every one that it may be my pleasure to meet. Hoping that I may have the prayer of the faithful in my behalf. I remain Your Brother in Christ L. J. Jordan

Letter from William Paxman, 3 July 1888

President Wilford Woodruff and Quorum of Apostles; Dear and beloved Brethren: Once more through the loving kindness of our Heaven- ly Father we are permitted to address you by letter, in answer to your most welcome and highly appreciated fa- vor of the 24th of May, which reached us on the 30th of June, since which time it has been read and re-read with increased interest and joy, for we need not state that our hearts were made to swell within us with rejoic- ings, and praises unto the Lord our God to know that another Temple had been dedicated unto the Most high God, and made holy by His presence and acceptance, and by the rich out pouring of His Holy Spirit to fill every part thereof—even to the rejoicing of all that were permitted to enter its sacred portals, many of whom, I feel assured, heard and saw the marked manifestations of Gods approval and acceptance of so beautiful an offering from His covenant children. Your discription of its elegance and beauty of finish, making it so grand and pleasing to the eye, was very gratifying indeed. We could not helpp feeling in our hearts, Oh, that we might have been present to have partaken of those blessed privilages, yet, feeling at the same time, that

Letter from George Washington Thatcher, 3 July 1888

President Wilford Woodruff, Salt Lake City. Dear Brother:— I herewith enclose letter received from Bro. Tanner ofor your perusal and consideration. The letter does not clearly explain itself, but I have since made some inquiries and find it is reported that Brother Pitkin is about organizing a board for the purpose of estab- lishing an academy in the basement of the Tabernacle here for this Stake. Now I think that he has misunderstood your instructions to him, as your letter of June 8th to me says "It was decided to write a letter to the Presidency of each stake and request them to select a Stake Board of Edu- cation of energetic men who take an interest in education, whose duty it will be to take into consideration the formation of Church schools, and the best method for arranging for the^ir^ establishment, and for them to communicate the results of their conclusions to the General Board".

Letter from Charles Ora Card, 3 July 1888

Prest. Wilford Woodruff Salt Lake City Utah u. s. a. Dear Brother I have just received your most welcome ^favor^ of the 12th ult which affords me much pleasure in perusing its inspired words. I can assure you it is very gratifying to me, to peruse your com- forting words to us, in this far off land. I will give you the best informa- tion I have concerning the settlement of lands in this region, and acquiring the titles. The first privilege people usually avail themselves of is the Homestead act which can be consumated in three and a half years from date of entry. Rec on same Ten Dollars. You are required to plow 5 acres the first year, ten the second and cultivate the five and build a livable house thereon and commence your residence theron. The third year cultivate the 15 acres and continue your residence thereon; at the end of this year (3rd yr.) the party Home-


View selected events in the two months surrounding this date in Wilford Woodruff's life. Click on the dates to jump to that day in Wilford Woodruff's journal.

Wilford directs all 32 stakes to establish Stake Academies to educate youth of the Church.
Church's attorneys obtain commitment from United States Solicitor that temples would not be confiscated.

Jul 3, 1888