Day in the Life

Jan 16, 1889

Journal Entry

January 16, 1889 ~ Wednesday

Jan 16, 1889 I Attended the funeral of my Brother Azmon the
Keys crossed A crown corps was taken from Emmas Farmhouse to the school
at 11 oclk. Br Orson Whitney spoke 45 Minuts
& I spoke about 15 Minuts My sons & sons in Law were
Pall bearers I accompanied the Body to the cemetry I buried
him in South West cornor of my New burying Ground &
A place in South East cornor for myself


Browse people Wilford Woodruff mentioned on this day in his journal. Click on the person's name to view a short bio and other pages they are mentioned on or click on "View in Family Search" to view their FamilySearch profile.

Woodruff, Azmon, b. 1802
29 Nov 1802 - 14 Jan 1889
365 mentions
Woodruff, Emma Smith
1 Mar 1838 - 6 Mar 1912
1038 mentions
74 mentions


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Letter from John Pugh James, 16 January 1889

Paradise President Wilford Woodruff Dear Brother Your of the 3rd came to hand I will be on hand at the time spesified if all be well I remain your Brother in the gospel John P. James James D Hirst act Bishop OK L J n

Letter from E. W. Jones, 16 January 1889

Salt Lake W. Woodruff Dear Brother, By request of Joseph Jones I called this morning at Br Campbell's office to learn if Joseph Jone's would be expected to perform a mission to the world. As he had answered a letter of inquiry and got no answer to his reply, He would like to know what will be required of him if its is right for him to know. Respectfully E. W. Jones P. S. If so when E. W. J. Bro. Campbellā€”Do you know anything about Bro. Jos. Jones? I do not recollect his name G. R.

Letter from George Christian Riser, 16 January 1889

18th Ward. S. L. City Presedent Wilford Woodruff Dear Brother I recevied your wellcom Letter dated Jan 11th on the 13th inst inconsiquence of sickness I have answerd sooner. Please exsept my greatfull thanks for your personal favor the $500 bestowed, and allso for the Kind consedered Fartherly feelings, and sentements exspressed, one reson that I aplealed to you is by the advice of a Frind who profesed to know more about the Church financial condition then myself, infect, I exspresed to him about the same, as you have stated in your Letter concirning the present condition of the Chrurch about money matters Brother Woodruff should you in the future have an uppertunety to say, or do something indirectly I would thankfully recevie it from a Frind, God bless you, and your Brotherin I remaine your Brother in the Gosple of Christ. Geo. C. Riser

Letter from Maria Mickelson Jenson, 16 January 1889

President Woodruff Dear Brother There was entered in the Prest Office in May 1884 the sum of Eighty five $85.00 Dollars. by Jens Mickleson, then living at Spanish Fork, Utah. For the purpose of Emigrating a man from Denmark, providing he would join the Church. But the man failing to Embrace the Gospel the money was never sent from the office. Jens Mickleson since dead, also his Legal wife leaving Maria, Mickleson Jenson his


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Jan 16, 1889