Day in the Life

Jan 22, 1889

Journal Entry

January 22, 1889 ~ Tuesday

22 A hand pointing to the right I signed ^17^ Recommends I receivd 14 Letters
I wrote 4 Letters To Thompson, Cottom, & Pimm.


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Cottam, Thomas
20 Oct 1820 - 10 Nov 1896
Thompson, William Henry
1 May 1838 - 3 Apr 1922
264 mentions

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Letter from Neils Nelson, 22 January 1889
Salt Lake city Br Woodruf I am happy to say that I can recommend N Nelson as a Worthey Brother to fill the Mission wherunto he has been called Millen Atwood Bp 13 Ward
Letter to Thomas and Caroline Smith Cottam, 22 January 1888
Salt Lake U. T. Thomas & Cather Caroline Cottam Beloved Brother & Sister I received your kind Letter of the 10th and read it with much pleasure I am thankful to know that you are as well as you My health is good except a cold I buried my oldest Brother Azmon on the 16 u[l]t[o] He died on the 14. I closed his eyes He was 86 year 1 Month & 15 days old My family now are generally well Emma & children are pretty well you can see by the press that our Government and Babylon at large are at work against Zion & the kingdom of God all they pass can But God yet reigns that is our ownly hope
Letter to Thomas and Caroline Smith Charman Cottam, 22 January 1889
Salt Lake U. T. Thomas & Cather Caroline Cottam Beloved Brother & Sister I received your kind Letter of the 10th and read it with much pleasure I am thankful to know that you are as well as you [are.] My health is good Except a cold I buried my oldest Brother Azmon on the 16 inst He died on the 14. I closed his eyes He was 86 years 1 Month & 15 days old. My family now are generally Well Emma & children are pretty Well You can see by the press that our Government and Babylon at large are at work against Zion & the kingdom of God all they pan can But God yet reigns that is our ownly hope


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Jan 22, 1889