Day in the Life

Feb 7, 1889

Journal Entry

February 07, 1889 ~ Thursday

7. I spent the day in the House reading

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Letter from Neils Nelson, 7 February 1889

Santaquin President Wilford Woodruff Dear Brother: Yours of the 22 inst. came safely to hand, Informing me that I had ben apointed to labor in Scandinavia as a Missionary. I will try and fill that calling the best I can, with the help of the Lord, If I can rais the means to go with. Your Brother in the Gospel. Neils Nelson. Eli Openshaw Bp

Letter to David King Udall, 7 February 1889

Salt Lake City, . President D. K. Udall, St. Johns, Apache Fo, Arizona. Dear Brother, In compliance with your request, per letter received Jan. 24th, I enclose you herewith a rough draft of a building for a Stake Academy, with lecture room, as prepared by Prof. Karl G. Maeser, also a copy of so much of his letter which pertains to this subject. I trust this will be satisfactory to you and give you, at least, his ideas of the kind and size of the building you need. With kind regards, Your Brother, W. Woodruff President Church Board of Education.

Letter from William King, 7 February 1889

Prest Wm King Sandwich Island Recd Feb 18 [18]89 [end sideways text] Laie Oahu Sandwich Islands Feb 7th 1889 President Wilford Woodruff Salt Lake City Dear Brother Feeling it a duty I take my pen to address a few lines to you We are all well and I believe prospering. We have been very busy taking off our crop We commenced grinding on Dec 3rd Since then we have made about 85 Tons of Sugar. We are shut down this week lack of fuel but I think we will go on all right next week. We are having a very dry winter Season. less rain than I ever knew to be before. the crop is not not making quite as much as I expected but the difference will not be more than a 1/4 of a Ton to the acre The reports from our Traveling Elders are encouraging many are being addend to the Church. Since our the completion of our new Meeting house in Honolulu the Branch has grown wonderfully from 500 to 1000 being the number at present. There are quite a number of Native who are calculating to emigr- ate in April the Spirit of gathering seems to be upon them I wrote somewhat about the gathering of the Natives to

Letter from Joseph Fielding Smith, 7 February 1889

President Wilford Woodruff Salt Lake City, Utah. My Dear President: Your valued favor of Jan. 30th is received and read with interest. The tickets, with draft for $220, came duly to hand. Also your telegram requesting the immediate return of Franklin S. He will start home on Saturday morning with his wife. He could not well get away sooner on account of Mr. Broadheads' argument having been sent to St. Louis in proof, for his inspection, and revision, and it did not get back here until this afternoon. Some more work also had to be done with the committee to get them to make their report


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Feb 7, 1889