Day in the Life

Apr 30, 1889

Journal Entry

April 30, 1889 ~ Tuesday

Tuesday April 30, 1889
I accompanied Brother Cannon to the city
Today is observed as a holiday. I received 6
letters, and signed 2 recommends and 2 letters.
Brother James Jack paid me for expenses to
California $100.00. I attended the Tabernacle
services it having been arranged for a patriotic
meeting to celebrate the Centennial Anniversary
of the Inaguration of George Washington as President
of the United States. I made a few closing remarks,
spent the night at my farm.


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Cannon, George Quayle
11 Jan 1827 - 12 Apr 1901
2273 mentions
Washington, George
22 Feb 1732 - 14 Dec 1799
48 mentions
Historical Figure, Eminent Men and Woman


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Related Documents

Browse other documents with this same date. These could include pages from Wilford Woodruff's autobiographies, daybooks, letters, histories, and personal papers. Click on the document titles to view the full document.

Letter from William Johnson, 30 April 1889
Wm Johnson Beaver Rcd May 6 [18]89 Asd May 6 [18]89 [end of sideways text] Beaver City, Utah, Apr. 30th 1889. Prest. Wilford Woodruff: Dear Brother, I hope you will pardon me for the liberty I take of writing to you. Being a stranger to you it necessitates me to ^introduce^ myself. I am, and have been, the princi- pal teacher of the Beaver Central School for the past three years. Am also a normal grad- uate of the Brigham Young Academy. Have been teaching for 14 years. I am 34 years of age and have a family consisting of a wife and four children, the eldest is about seven years. Our school, this season, closes the 10th of May. I have been teaching Physiology and Hygiene daily during the past three years. I have a de- sire to give public lectures in the settlements south of Beaver on the above named subjects during vacation. I believe a great deal of good might
Letter from B. Quinn, 30 April 1889
Mr. Wilford Woodruff Dear Sir Please accept my thanks for the books you sent. They have made many points clear and satisfactory. If you can send any pamphlet or small work giving the Scripure text and explaningsations of Scripture passages favoring polygamy and having texts that seem to be against it you will confur a favor by sharing a copy. Most people think the New Testament is distinstly against polygamy and established only monogomy. I request you to do me the favor of keeping secret what I have said. you Know how bitter the prejudise is against your system and those who show Christian justice or charity towards it. Respectfully, Rev. B. Quinn Cor Main St & Humboldt Parkway Buffalo NY.
Letter from Andrew Pehrsson Renstrom, 30 April 1889
Huntsville Weber Co Prest. Wilford Woodruff Dear Brother: In answer to the letter of 12 April will say: I re- turned from a mission to Scandi- navia four years ago this fall. But if it is the will of the Lord through His servents, that I shall fill another mission, I have no excuse to offer, but will be on hand, as requested, to start from Salt Lake City 6th Auguste Your brother in the Gospel A. P. Renstrom David McKay Bp Release Him LJn


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Apr 30, 1889