Day in the Life

May 4, 1889

Journal Entry

May 04, 1889 ~ Saturday

Saturday May 4, 1889
In company with Brother A. Winter I left by U.C. train
at 8.15 for Logan to attend the Quarterly Conference. At
Ogden we were joined by Brother F. D. Richards and at
Brigham City by Pres. L. Snow. Arrived at Logan Shortly after


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Richards, Franklin Dewey
2 Apr 1821 - 9 Dec 1899
816 mentions
Snow, Lorenzo
3 Apr 1814 - 10 Oct 1901
701 mentions
Apostle, Family


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Letter from John Johnson, 4 May 1889
Lake View Pres. Wilford Woodruff Dear Brother In answar to yours of April 27th I will say should I look for excuses I wo^u^ld have planty but my feelings is that I will do anything in my power to be r^e^ady to the time appointed Your Brother in Gospel John Johnson P Madsen Bp OK L J n
Letter from William Moroni Palmer, 4 May 1889
Wm M Palmer Lehi Rcd May 6 [18]89 no answer Lehi May the 4 1889 Prests. Woodruff & Smith My dear brethern I am traveling and lecturing to the young people in this Stake and in Alpine and this place they are leading out in Mutual Improvement, but in American Fork they are in a bad plite, only about 15 atending meetings during the winter, but the several saloons and bilard rooms are well filled with young men, so says their president and Infadelity is growing I think som good mission- aries that could prove the Gospel to them might
Discourse 1889-05-04
Pres Woodruff addressed the Saints remarking that for nearly five years he had not had this opportunity, but he was yet dependent on the Spirit of God to guide him in his remarks. He referred to his reception yesterday as very pleasing & spoke of a visit he had made to Logan 28 years ago, at which time he prophesied that a temple would be built here which has been fulfilled. Many of those who were then present are now in the spirit world. He spoke of the powers & prerogative that was conferred on the prophet Joseph, that he stands at the head of this dispensation. The priesthood that is given us relates to the Celestial Kingdom & our salvation depends on keeping within the power & influence of that priesthood. He spoke of the folly for any one to imagine that the church will fall without his aid & presence, for all such will be mistaken. This work will go on inde- pendent of any man. He referred to the material blessings that surrounded the Saints in contrast with the circumstances that attended them in other countries. He alluded to the warfare that arose when the Prophet Joseph announced the vision of the Lord to him. That warfare continued & will to the end. He dilated upon the bles- sings & glories, that will come to the faithful in the end. He referred to the marvellous preservation of his own life for which he felt very thankful. He directed his remarks to the young men many of whom are disposed to draw away from the restraint & direction of the priesthood. He cautioned them not to do so, as the time they do so, that is when they will go astray & outside of the powers & blessings of the priesthood. He expressed the desirability of having our children keep faithful for in them depends the carrying foward this work. He narrated some little of his boyhood experience & early manhood, which was quite interesting


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May 4, 1889