Day in the Life

Sep 22, 1889

Journal Entry

September 22, 1889 ~ Sunday

22 Sunday I attended the sabbath school in the farms
ward in the forenoon & spoke to the children in the
Afternoon I attended the Meeting and listened to
Brothers Joseph Don Carlos Young & [blank] Benyon
speak I followed them we had a good Meeting
I visited Br George Q Cannon at his house
in the Evening He had an attact of the paralisis
of the left side of his face but He was Better
a Lady by the name of Miss [blank] Burke called
upon me from Losganals wanted to investig[at]e
mormonism she attended the Meetings to day


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Cannon, George Quayle
11 Jan 1827 - 12 Apr 1901
2273 mentions
Young, Joseph Don Carlos
6 May 1855 - 19 Oct 1938
52 mentions

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Letter from Abraham F. and Pauline Richards Doremus, 22 September 1889
Wilford Woodruff Esq. President. Church of J. C. of L.D.S. Salt Lake City. Dr. Sir, Although, practically, we have never been members of the Church of which you are President our names appear on your membership Roster as such. To remove whatever semblance of membership there is remaining we respectfully request the formal cancellation of our names from your member- ship rolls and from all other places where their appearance would indicate our connection with your organization. Soliciting your early action in this matter and a formal notice from the proper officer that our request has been complied with, we are Respectfully Abm F. Doremus Pauline Richards Doremus


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Sep 22, 1889