Day in the Life

Sep 23, 1889

Journal Entry

September 23, 1889 ~ Monday

23. I signed 62 Recommends I received ^45^ Letters
I signed 10 public Letters we had a hard rain & hail
we had an unplesant day in some respects {the [illegible shorthand]}

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Letter from Andrew Jenson, 23 September 1889

Salt Lake City, Utah, President Wilford Woodruff, Geo. Q. Cannon and Joseph F. Smith. Dear Brethren! Having now finished the four volumes of the "Historical Record" in which I promised the public to publish a certain kind ^class^ of historical infor- mation pertaining to the history of the Church, I feel it to be my privilege, and perhaps my duty, to consult with you, before proceeding to lay other plans for the future. Ever since I commenced my historical labors, about 13 years ago, I have been under the impression that my work ought to be performed under the immediate supervision of the Church Authorities, and that anything I published per- taining to Church history should by them be subjected to the strictest criticism before being printed. Such was ^indeed^ the case as long as I published in the Danish language, Elder Erastus Snow being appointed by the late Pres. Brigham Young, and subsequently by the late Pres. John Taylor, to supervise my labors. But since commencing the "Record," four years ago, I have published on my own responsibility, no one having been appointed to supervise my work. This, I may say, has often grieved me, and although I have at times

Letter from James Dunn Stirling, 23 September 1889

Salt Lake City, Utah, Salt Lake City, President Wilford Woodruff. Dear Brother:—The follow- ing named brethren are recommended by their re- spective Bishops as being worthy to be ordained High Priests: William Covert, of the Granite Ward; George Joseph Rodway, Draper, and James H Cochrane, of Hunter. The High Council endorses the recommends, but, inasmuch as some Bishops heretofore have recommended bre- thren for ordination to the High Priests Quorum simply on ac- count of their being aged and infirm, it was unanimous- ly adopted as the sense of our Council that these names be sent to the First Presidency of the Church, and ascertain, if it is agreeable to your minds that we endorse the re- commends of the Bishops under these circumstances. Please inform us. We also desire you to point out a course that you feel is proper for us to pursue in such cases, or any others that may arise connected with the ordaining of High Priests. Very respectfully Your Bro. James D Stirling Clerk of High Council, Salt Lake Stake of Zion.

Letter from Angus Munn Cannon, 23 September 1889

Salt Lake City, President Wilford Woodruff Dear Brother: The following named brethren are recommended by their respective Bishops as being worthy to be ordained High Priests: William S. Covert, of the Granite Ward; George Joseph [Rodway ], Draper, and James H Cochrane of Hunter the High ^Council^ endorses the recommendations, but inasmuch as some of the Bishops heretofore have recommended brethren for ordination to the High Priests Quorum simply on account of their being aged and infirm. It was adopted as the sense of our Council that the names be sent to the First Presidency, and if it is your minds that we endorse recommendd of the Bishops under these circumstances please inform us We also desire you to point out a course that you feel is proper for us to pursue in such cases or any others that may arise connected with the High Priests Quorum. With much Esteem Your Brother Angus M. Connon President of Salt Lake Stake

Letter from Henry Eyring, 23 September 1889

Pres't W. Woodruff S. L. City Dear Bro. I had written to Elder Moses Thatcher in regard to some matters per- taining to the Mexican Mission, but he ans- wered me stating, that he had been entirely released from all care of that Mission and advised me to refer said items to you. Before leaving the City of Mexico Elder Thatcher instructed me to continue to have an over- sight over the Mission, as its president, after reaching the Colony. I have done so until Bro John Rogers, the only remaining missionary was released. Since then I received a letter from the members of the Morelos Branch which I answered. The Morelos Branch, situated about 100 miles South of the City of Mexico is the only Branch which appears in a fair condition; it numbers about 20 members, who in the majority appear to be anxious to continue in the faith. They express an anxiety to have some more missionaries sent to them, and I stated to them that I had applied to Apostle


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Sep 23, 1889