Day in the Life

Oct 12, 1889

Journal Entry

October 12, 1889 ~ Saturday

12 I spent the day at the farm I went on board of a
private car with G. Q. Cannon, Wilcken, Solomon
Hampton, Bateman & Owen & rode to Provo on my arival
There senator Morgan on a privat Train sent word He
wanted an interview with me I went into his car with
George Q Cannon was seated to his table in the Palace car
beside of Mrs Davis wife of senator Davis a Noted woman
for Beauty we conversed for one hour which held both
trains during that time senator Morgan & Mrs Davis
both Expressed much sympathy for our people we parted
& we returned to our car & rode through the night to
deseret & slept on board of the car Distance of the day 165 mile


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Letter from John Heber Fosgren, 12 October 1889
Pres. Wilford Woodruff Dear Brother Your communication of the 9th at hand and found me in a vaery unfavorable condition to respond at present Being involved that shoud I leave at designated period would place others in unfair circumstances this report on my part being unavoidable I would not wish to shirk the mission but to ask an extension of time if possible a year from next Fall or Spring. The place appointed would suit me were I able to speak or understand the language. Your Bro. in the Gospel John Fosgren. A. A. Janson. Bhp. over
Letter from Fritz Wyss, 12 October 1889
Beloved Brethern! I have received your letter from Sep: 30th, and in regard to my calling I will make no ex- cuse, but I will—if my Breth- ern will permit me to choise— be ready to Decemb: 4th this year. Yours verry respectfully, Fritz Wyss 153 S. 4th East Str. Approved H B Clawson Bishop Bro. Reynolds I wish I could see you a moment this P.M. F. D. R.


View selected events in the two months surrounding this date in Wilford Woodruff's life. Click on the dates to jump to that day in Wilford Woodruff's journal.

Wilford receives revelation on politics and polygamy; will not trade religion for statehood.

Oct 12, 1889