Day in the Life

Oct 14, 1889

Journal Entry

October 14, 1889 ~ Monday

Oct 14, 1889
In company with G Q. Cannon Wilcken Jesse Fox
Hampton & Brother Black we visited the severe river
the place for the reservoir & Dam and the place for taking
out the canal and we looked at the land we had
Entered under the Desert act it is good land
and a vary levil country then we crosed
the Bottoms to Bishop Blacks House whare his
wife is Living while He is serving a term in
the penetentiary for living with his wives. We
returned to Brother Blacks and spent the night 25 M[iles]


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Letter from Oluf Frederik Due, 14 October 1889
President W. Woodruff Dear Brother! I have something of great importance to tell you, and therefore I ask you to be kind enough to let me have a private con- versation with you as soon as it can be convinient to you, after to day. I am yours humble Brother in the Gospel O. F. Due Florist 240 West 3rd South Str.
Letter from R. C. Greer, 14 October 1889
Seneca Newton Co Mo Wilford Woodruff Dear I saw a short time ago a notice of a debate between Parson Newman and Mormon elder on the subject of Polygamy can you let me know where. I can get the book or pamphlet containing the discusion If you dont know of it hand this to some book dealer in the city of Salt Lake and oblige yours &c &c R C. Greer P. S. Let me know the cost as I want to see a discussion on the subject R. C. Greer


View selected events in the two months surrounding this date in Wilford Woodruff's life. Click on the dates to jump to that day in Wilford Woodruff's journal.

Wilford receives revelation on politics and polygamy; will not trade religion for statehood.

Oct 14, 1889