Day in the Life

Oct 15, 1889

Journal Entry

October 15, 1889 ~ Tuesday

15 We went to the Lake & spent the day the Brethren
killed some Ducks we saw many geese but none
were killed we returned to Brother Blacks took supper
went on Board of our car & spent the night 30

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Letter from William Budge, 15 October 1889
Idaho Ter. President W. Woodruff Salt Lake City, Utah Dear Bro: It will be remembered that we had some conversation in regard to the action we should take as to the proposed state constitution for Idaho, but as we did not at that time know positively what position might be taken about our people voting, the matter was left undecided. The Governor in his late proclamation has decided that only "legal voters" can vote for or against the proposed constitution, therefore I have drafted a letter the enclosed being a copy, which I concluded to send to the Presidents of Stakes providing it meets your mind as to sentiment and policy. If all right please tell us by telegraph as there is not much time to spare, but if you
Letter from William Paxman, 15 October 1889
Wm Paxman Nephi ^Nephi^, Juab Co Rec Oct 16 [18]89 Ansd Oct 15th 1889 Prest Wilford Woodruff, and Counselors, Beloved Brethren, It has been usial to hold the conference of this stake on, or about the 20th of this month, (which will be next Sunday), but not having seen the notice in the papers, I did not know weather there would be any change from that time or not, if so it will be satisfactory to us, if we are notified at once, so that we can notify the various Wards, either way will


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Wilford receives revelation on politics and polygamy; will not trade religion for statehood.

Oct 15, 1889