Day in the Life

Oct 19, 1889

Journal Entry

October 19, 1889 ~ Saturday

19 I signed 25 Recommends I receivd 11 Letters
I wrote 13 public Letters

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Letter to Levi Mathers Savage, 19 October 1889
Elder Levi Savage, Logan. Dear Brother: It is designed to relieve Brother Webb from the duties of Principal of the Snowflake Church Academy, in order that he may be ordained a Bishop. The Presidency of the Stake are desirous to obtain your services as Prin- cipal in his place, and we have written to Prof. Karl G. Maeser, who is Superin- tendent of all our Church Academies, upon this subject, informing him what the wishes of the Presidency of the Stake are respecting yourself. You will doubtless hear from him at an early date; but that you may be prepared somewhat, we think it better to drop you this letter. It is desired that the Academy should open ion the 1st of Nov. If you accept this appointment, you will be released from any labors which may have been assigned you heretofore connected with Mexico. Trusting it will be convenient and agreeable to you to accept this appointment, and with kind regards, I remain your brother, W Woodruff President Church Board of Education.
Letter to Karl Gottfried Maeser, 19 October 1889
Professor Karl G. Maeser, Provo. Dear Brother: It is desirable that Brother Levi Savage, who is now laboring in Logan at some mechanical work, nchould be appointed Principal of the Snowflake Stake Church Academy. He is recommended by Pres. Jesse N. Smith and Counselors as the most suitable man for the position within their reach, he being a resident of that region. There has been a Brother Webb acting as Principal, but he is needed as a Bishop, and will have to be taken from the labor of teaching for that purpose. Brother Levi Savage is the next best man of their acquaintance belonging to that region, and they think his appointment will be satisfactory. Will you arrange for him to be sent? We prefer doing this through you, as you will know what instructions to give him in relation to his duties By this mail, howiever, we shall write to Brother Savage to prepare him. If you desire to write to him, you will please address his letter under cover to H. E. Hatch, Logan. Whatever is done in this matter will have to be done promptly, as they wish to have the academy open on the 1st of November. With kind regards, Your Brother, W Woodruff President Church Board of Education.
Letter to David King Udall, Thomas W. Brookbank, H. R. Burk, and F. G. Nielson, 19 October 1889
Elders, John Bushman David. K. Udall Thomas. W. Brookbank H. R. Burk F. G. Nielson. Committee Dear Brethren, You were appointed sometime ago as a committee to settle the affairs of the Sunset United Order. we are informed that you have attended to this labor, and have carried it forward to its comp- letion, and that it is desirable on your part, that you should receive an official Release


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Wilford receives revelation on politics and polygamy; will not trade religion for statehood.

Oct 19, 1889