Day in the Life

Dec 12, 1889

Journal Entry

December 12, 1889 ~ Thursday

12 I went to the Gardo Emma was better this morning
I signed 22 Recommends I receivd 17 Letters I
wrote 15 Letters 11 public & to David Sylvia sent $5
& Thompson & Atkins I met with the Bank Board and
several other parties I spent the night at the farm


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Woodruff, David Patten
4 Apr 1854 - 20 Jan 1937
228 mentions
Woodruff, Emma Smith
1 Mar 1838 - 6 Mar 1912
1039 mentions
Thompson, Sylvia Melvina Woodruff
14 Jan 1862 - 7 Aug 1940
137 mentions
Thompson, William Henry
1 May 1838 - 3 Apr 1922
266 mentions


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Letter to William Atkin, 12 December 1889

Salt Lake U. T. Wm Atkin Dear Brother Your Letter of the 1 is Before me and in the midst of a Meeting I attempt to write a few to you though I have not much News to write ownly that the Devil is not Dead in Salt Lake if it is in Atkinville and the political pot is Boiling and Earth & Hell are [assisted] to overthrow Zion but God Reigns still & we have to trust in him You may have Read in the Herald an interview which the corresspondant of the St Lewis Democrat But I want to say you must not beleive all you Read in the papers about

Religious - Official Manifesto on Plural Marriage, 12 December 1889

ISSUED . ALSO THE OFFICIAL DECLARATION OR MANIFESTO BY President Wilford Woodruff Prohibiting Further Plural Marriages, and Its Adoption by the General Conference, October 6, 1890. THE DESERET NEWS, SALT LAKE CITY.

Religious - Official Manifesto on Plural Marriage, 12 December 1889

SALT LAKE CITY, . TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: In consequence of gross misrepresentations of the doctrines, aims and practices of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, commonly called the "Mormon" Church, which have been promulgated for years, and have recently been revived for political purposes and to prevent all aliens, otherwise qualified, who are members of the "Mormon" Church from acquiring citizenship, we deem it proper on behalf of said Church to pub- licly deny these calumnies and enter our protest against them. We solemnly make the following declarations, viz: That this Church views the shedding of human blood with the utmost abhorrence. That we regard the killing of a human being, except in con- formity with the civil law, as a capital crime which should be punished by shedding the blood of the criminal after a public trial before a legally con- stituted court of the land. Notwithstanding all the stories told about the killing of apostates, no case of this kind has ever occurred, and of course has never been established against the Church we represent. Hundreds of seceders from the Church have continuously resided and now live in this territory many of whom have amassed considerable wealth, though bitterly opposed to the Mormon faith and people. Even those who made it their business to fabricate the vilest falsehoods, and to render them plausible by culling isolated passages from old sermons without the explanatory context, and have suffered no oppor- tunity to escape them of vilifying and blackening the characters of the peo- ple, have remained among those whom they have thus persistently calum- niated until the present day, without receiving the slightest personal injury. We denounce as entirely untrue the allegation which has been made, that our Church favors or believes in the killing of persons who leave the Church or apostatize from its doctrines. We would view a punishment of this character for such an act with the utmost horror; it is abhorrent to us and is in direct opposition to the fundamental principles of our creed.

Letter from George C. Parkinson, 12 December 1889

Franklin Idaho, Prest. Wilford Woodruff. Dear Brother: We are informed by our brethren in the Malad Stake that the church has expressed, (or at least that you have expressed) a willing- ness to defray the expenses of Mr. J. L. Rawlins while attending the case of Bro. Saml D. Davies in Malad last September. (The case is now receiving the attention of the U. S. Supream Court.) and as we are endeavoring to raise funds to meet the expenses of this and other cases in that term of court — amounting in all to near $200000 — I write you that we may know exactly the amt. we have to raise, I think the brethren in Malad agreed to pay Mr. Rawlins a fee of $50000 which is today bearing interest. and I understand that Mr. Kimball of Ogden is to receive about $35000 and on the same case, and Mr Geo. Ainsly of Boise about $75000 on the election contest case, besides some other expenses. Awaiting your earliest pleasure I am Your Bro. in the Gospel. Geo. C. Parkinson

Letter from R. S. King Publishing House, 12 December 1889

San Francisco, . 188[9] Pres. Wilford Woodruff, Box B., Salt Lake City. Dear Sir;— We are in receipt of a letter from Mr. Geo Reynoolds, Secy. in reply to ours regarding Mr. Nelson's account. We desire to state that Mr. Nelson has never claimed that he did not owe this bill; in fact, we have a letter in our possession after he reached Sweden, acknowledging the account, and requesting us to wait two or three ye years before he would pay it. Now, you will at once recognize the injustice of such a request, and as we intimated in our last letter, we do not feel warranted in waiting any longer, before taking action in the matter. We belong to a Protective Bureau and turn over all accounts after they become long over-due to them. We herewith enclose you a letter for Mr. Nelson, which we wish you would kindly forward, that he may know just what steps we are taking. The matter now rests in the hands of the Bureau and they will act as they see fit. Trusting how ever, that we may have a speedy settlement of the account, as we have certainly been very leinient in waiting so long and patiently, we remain, Yours very truly, R. S. KING PUB. HOUSE.


View selected events in the two months surrounding this date in Wilford Woodruff's life. Click on the dates to jump to that day in Wilford Woodruff's journal.

Wilford receives revelation on politics and polygamy; will not trade religion for statehood.
Church membership 188,000; Utah Territory 210,779; population of 44 United States. 62,948,000.

Dec 12, 1889