Day in the Life

Dec 13, 1889

Journal Entry

December 13, 1889 ~ Friday

13 I signed 15 Recommends. I receivd 10 Letters I wrote
11 pub letters I went to the farm & spent the night


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Letter from Joseph Edward Taylor, 13 December 1889
Salt Lake City, Pres't Wilford Woodruff Dear Brother: At a meeting of the High Council held in this city, Nov. 20th, it was voted unanimously that the following case be submitted to you. Please find enclosed a letter from Bp. E. Holman to the High Council, which explains itself Brother Joseph Shaw appeared before the Council Nov. 20th, in answer to a summons, to show cause why the action of the Bishops Court should not be sustained and he be cut off from the Church. He affirmed the correctness of the Bishops report and made further explanations, as follows: That his wife whom he married about twelve years ago was some eight years his senior in age; (he being now in his fortieth.) that she was the mother of three daughters by a former marriage, who were now all married and had children of their own; that he had no children by his wife; that Sister Hazeldine, now twenty six years old, was an intimate friend of the [fam]ily; that four years ago he made overtures of [marr]iage to her; that his wife was ^both^ agreeable and
Letter from William Richins, 13 December 1889
Henefer Prest" Woodruff Dear Bro My feelings is to go and try to honorably fulfill a mission whear unto I am called. I accept it with full purpos of heardt Trusting in the Lord Your Bro Wm Richins Robert Jones Acting Bishop OK L J n


View selected events in the two months surrounding this date in Wilford Woodruff's life. Click on the dates to jump to that day in Wilford Woodruff's journal.

Wilford receives revelation on politics and polygamy; will not trade religion for statehood.
Church membership 188,000; Utah Territory 210,779; population of 44 United States. 62,948,000.

Dec 13, 1889