Day in the Life

Dec 18, 1889

Journal Entry

December 18, 1889 ~ Wednesday

18 I signed 3 Recommends I receivd 4 Letters
A folded letter/box A hand pointing to the right I wrote 1 Letters to Mary sent $15 to pay board
Bill at College. I spent the night at the farm 6 M[iles]


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Woodruff, Mary, b. 1867
26 Oct 1867 - 15 Feb 1903
168 mentions


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Letter from George Teasdale, 18 December 1889
Dear President Woodruff: Your letters of Nov 25th, 26th, and 29th all came to hand on the same day, and were read with indiescribable feelings, Iand I have suffered more than I can express, because of my affection for you. With regard to Thomas Galbraith I am sorry for him because he has been over come by the power of the adversary. I am satisfied he had a desire to serve God. He was going to work his way to Utah. He never asked me for any money. When I found he was deter- mined to go I thought the matter over and talked it over with Bro. McAllister and the brethren here. One morning, before I said anything to Galbraith, I told the brethren I had concluded to offer him a loan to help him across the continent, for I thought he was honest. He had been told he would have to meet difficulties, that he was going to a new country where he was unknown and he would meet with people who would en- deavor to poison his mind, to discourage him and lead him out of the Church; but he was prepared for this he had read a great deal against the people, but he knew he
Letter from Charles Brent Hancock, 18 December 1889
Chas B. Hancock Provo Rec Dec 19 [18]89 Provoo, Utah Co, Utah Ter. Decem, 18th, 1889 President Woodruff Dear Brother I have just red of the proclimation to the Saints to observe the 23 of this month for fasting and prayer It beeing Our Profets birthday A good day well set apart and Should bee Humbuley. Represented by the Latterday Saints and all who wish to enjoy the sweets of Leiberty My birth day is on the 23rd 1823. ime now In Jaol here, in a cell where I write this letter a feeling well ime charged with murder in companey with others I sought to git into the Depths of the muddle and stay with it
Letter from John James Esplin, 18 December 1889
order ville President Wilford Woodruff I received a leterter from you dated Nov. 20 calling me up on ^a^ mishion to the North Northern States. I reice recived a letter from the first Presiden ts of Seventies about a year ago asking ^my^ feelings in regard to taking a mishion. I wrote them that I was willing to go. I am still willing ^to^ go I will be there Jan. 14 So that I can start from there the 15 you directed your letter to C. E. Esplin my Name is J J Esplin. I was away from home when the letter came J. J. E. Chas W. Carroll. Councler


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Wilford receives revelation on politics and polygamy; will not trade religion for statehood.
Church membership 188,000; Utah Territory 210,779; population of 44 United States. 62,948,000.

Dec 18, 1889