Day in the Life

Apr 4, 1890

Journal Entry

April 04, 1890 ~ Friday

April 4. The sixtyeth April Annual Conference
commenced this morning

April 4. Conference Met at 10 oclok W W spoke 10 M[inutes]
J Morgan 18, J Gates 10, D H Roberts 20 D H Wells dismissed
^afternoon J W Young spoke 32 M[inutes], A H Cannon 30 A Lund 8 M[inutes]
M M Merrill 20 M[inutes] W W asked the people to pray^


Browse people Wilford Woodruff mentioned on this day in his journal. Click on the person's name to view a short bio and other pages they are mentioned on or click on "View in Family Search" to view their FamilySearch profile.

Cannon, Abraham Hoagland
12 Mar 1859 - 19 Jul 1896
145 mentions
Lund, Anthon Henrik
15 May 1844 - 2 Mar 1921
127 mentions
Wells, Daniel Hanmer
27 Oct 1814 - 24 Mar 1891
800 mentions
Gates, Jacob
9 Mar 1811 - 14 Apr 1892
73 mentions
Zion's Camp
Young, John Willard
1 Oct 1844 - 11 Feb 1924
328 mentions
Merrill, Marriner Wood
25 Sep 1832 - 6 Feb 1906
163 mentions

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Discourse 1890-04-04

President Wilford Woodruff said: Sixty years ago, last Sabbath, this Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints was organized in Fayette, Seneca County, New York. It was organized by the Prophet of God, Joseph Smith. It was organized by the commandments of God—by the revelations of Jesus Christ. Its his- tory is before the world, the heavens and the earth; and I feel myself that

Discourse 1890-04-04

President Wilford Woodruff Said: Before the close of the meeting I have a request I want to make of these Apostles, these High Priests, Seventies and Elders, and the Lesser Priesthood and all the Latter-day Saints who have any communion with God or with the Holy Ghost. Brother Merrill has been talking of revelation. If there was ever a time since God made the world that the in[h]abitants of the earth needed revelation, it is today. Now, the Lord has given us the stick of Judah—the law of God to the Jews—which reaches down to our day and generation, and which shows us their history and has told us what would come to pass with them and what will come to pass in the future. So has the Lord given us the stick of Ephraim—the stick of Joseph in the hands of Ephraim —giving the history of the inhabitants of this continent and what shall take place in the last days. [Ezekiel 37:15-20] I hold in my hands a code of revelation (the Book of Doctrine and Covenants) given to Joseph Smith, the Prophet. There are some of the most sublime revela- tions in that book God ever gave to any generation, or to any prophet or people under heaven. This book of revelations, like other records, will go down to the end of time and into eternity. These revelations give you the whole history of the celes- tial kingdom, of the terrestrial king- dom and of the telestial Kingdom of our God. But we want revela- tion every day. Well, you say, the President of the Church should give revelation. Yes, it is true, the President holds the keys of giving revelation to the Latter-day Saints. But is he alone to give revelation? No, verily, not. There is not an Apostle in this Church, there is not an Elder in this Church that stands up in this congregation to teach this people, but should be full of revela- tion. There is where your revela- tion should come—from those who teach you day by day. How many revelations did Brig- ham Young give that were written to the people? Very few. How many has John Taylor given that were written to the people? Very few. How many has Wilford Wood- ruff given? Very few. We have

Letter from Charles William Stayner, 4 April 1890

Salt Lake, Utah, Presidents Woodruff, Cannon & Smith; Addressed Dear Brethren; In reference to your kind message through Brother Reynolds, I accept with respectful appreciation the mission to preside in the NorthWestern States, and will endeavor to attend to its duties as God shall give me ability, and the opportunity to do good. I shall be pleased to receive such instruc- tions from you as you may deem proper to give me, and you can rely upon it that they will be faithfully carried out. I remain, as ever, Respectfully & Truly Your Bro in the Gospel Chas. W. Stayner.

Letter from William Henry Young, 4 April 1890

Denver, Colo., . Mr. Wilford Woodruff, Pres't of the Church of Jesus Christ, and of Lateter Day Saints, Salt Lake City, Utah. Dear Beloved Brother: I send you this letter concerning these two Gen- tlemen, Charles W. Buford and Clinton A. Redmond. Having been led by the spirit toward me to seek council among a people who will befriend them in regards to a location of land for the Colored people, who are now in the land of the oppressor in the Southern States, and would like to colonize about 8000. I have been moved upon strongly under the im- pression that Emory County, Utah, would be the Country for them: Moab alo along the Blue Mountain on the Arizona Road, or down at St. George, Dixie County. These people are great cotton growers and these mefn are the representatives of these people here, and I send you this letter for you to take this matter under consideration. So far as I can under- stand these men are not here too make capital out of these people, but bring them on to a land where they can dwell safely. And it is their desire to have the Elders go among their people in the South, and they would like to emigrate under the name and head of the Church. They would like the ^wheat^ or cerals advanced for the first year, and would ask you to council the Elders to bring all their best seed of cotton, chestnut, hemlock, walnut, oak pine, hickory, beach elm, and all kinds iof fruit seed. I ask your immediate attention in this matter, and ask you to answer these men's letters. If it is necessary for you to have a private interview, it can be done. This is to be strictly confidential, and as it comes to the Priesthood for council, you will be the main council. I remain, Your Briother in the Gospel of Peace, W. H. Young, 20th ward, Salt Lake City, Utah.


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Apr 4, 1890