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Day in the Life

Nov 18, 1890

Journal Entry

November 18, 1890 ~ Tuesday

18 I signed 29 Recommends I received 19 letters
I wrote 2 letters to McDonald & Noah H Osborn
I had an interview with the Editor of the Hornet
& 2 ladies with him. Met with O H Whitney
& J. O. Williams upon the History of Utah


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66 mentions
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Letter to Noah H. Osborn, 18 November 1890
Noah H. Osborne, My Dear Friend: I have just received your very interesting letter of Nov. 13th; and I was much interested in the account you gave of our relation- ship. I was also much interested in the letter of your friend, Israel Coe. I was astonished at his writing, a man of his great age. In answering your ques- tions concerning Sidney Rigdon I will say, he was cut off from the church, and was not a member of the church when he died; he did not deny the faith but took the ground that he had the right to lead the church, and refused to acknowledge the Twelve Apostles and the constituted authorities of the church after the death of Joseph and therefore he was cut off the church. Now concerning your question about the abolition of polygamy, I will send you a copy of my manifesto which will explain all that I said upon the subject. Concerning what you say about "Leaves from my Journal" I will say, I wrote that little work for the ben- efit of our Sabbath School children, giving them a little history of my experi- ence during my travels, and I stated nothing in it but what was true. We have in Salt Lake City a grandsonof Grandfather Lot Thompson, he is here writing up the city; he is the son of Cyrus Thompson. He and his wife attended with my family my last birth-day party, the first day of last March. I am certainly pleased to hear from you, not only as a relative but from a man of great age, and one who has faith in God, and in His Son Jesus Christ as the Savior of the world: also in the Gospel which He preached, as the plan of salvation for a fallen world. I remain Your affectionate kinsman and friend, Wilford Woodruff P. S. I herewith return Israel Coe's letter thinking you may desire to pre- serve it. W. W.
Letter to Richard Hays McDonald, 18 November 1890
R. H. McDonald, My Dear Friend: Your highly esteemed letter, photograph and souvenir card reched me safely, for which please accept my sincere thanks. I prize them very highly. The first thought that struck me on looking upon the beautiful pleasing countenance was, that the face bespoke the goodness, honesty and benevolence of the soul of the man. We cannot forget the part you have taken in the history of the Latter-day Saints in the days of their deep afflic- tion in Nauvoo. Yours sincerely, Wilford Woodruff


View selected events in the two months surrounding this date in Wilford Woodruff's life.

Majority of members of the Church attending General Conference sustain the Manifesto.
Wilford inaugurates weekday religious education classes for elementary school-aged children (precursor to seminary and institute programs).

Nov 18, 1890