Day in the Life

Sep 28, 1892

Journal Entry

September 28, 1892 ~ Wednesday

^28^ I spent the day in the office while Joseph
L Smith
Attended the funeral at Tooele


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Smith, Joseph Fielding
13 Nov 1838 - 19 Nov 1918
4143 mentions


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Letter from Lars Christian Madsen, 28 September 1892
President W. Woodruff S. L. City Dear Brother: Your letter dated Aug. 20th 1892 was received in due time. You will pardon me for ^not^ answering before as I have been undecided as to what I could do and have tried to shape my affairs so that I could meet your wishes, but I find now that I shall not be able to do it the time being to short. I will however try if nothing unforeseen shall hinder me to so shape my affairs as to be on hand at
Letter from Orrin Porter Miller, 28 September 1892
Riverton Pres. Cannon ^Wooruff,^ Dear Brother Inclosed pleas find recomend of Charles Petersen We also recomend Bro Petersoen as being worthy to fill a mission and he has Expresed a willingness, to go, and he can be prepared by, Dec. 1st and posably sooner. Bro Petersen has no family is about 34 years of age, and is abelle to pay his way. Your Brother O. P. Miller (over) prefers a mission to English speaking people, altho' a native of Den. having come to America in childhood give him a call. J. F. S.


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Sep 28, 1892