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Day in the Life

Aug 17, 1893

Journal Entry

August 17, 1893 ~ Thursday

17. I went to the Temple Had Prayers. {[illegible shorthand] responded to us}


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Letter from Henry Magnus Bohne, 17 August 1893
Mt Pleasant . Brother: Woodilford Woodruff Your letter of the 13 ult. at hand I have consulted my Father and he prefures my going to Denmark. Thinking that I may be able to do some good wook among our relatives. But that I will leave for your desision. For I consider my willingness is my greatest qualification. I see by the ^call^ there is a provision alowing for temporal afairs. Now I am considerabely envolved in debt owing to Father and my self investing considerable money in sheep
Letter from Henry Magnus Bohne, 17 August 1893


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Wilford meets with temple presidents to harmonize the endowment ceremony in all four operating temples.

Aug 17, 1893