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Day in the Life

Aug 18, 1893

Journal Entry

August 18, 1893 ~ Friday

18 A Meeting with James Brown about the Islands which
we maid an Account of I visited Brother Butterworths


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Brown, James Stephens
4 Jul 1828 - 29 Mar 1902
14 mentions
3 mentions


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Letter from Lucinda Gustafson, 18 August 1893
Pima A. T. President Woodruff & Cou Salt Lake City I was unable to get the money in time to accompany those who were going to attend the Normal ^S. S.^ course at the B. Y. A. which I very much regret. If circumstances will admit I will try to respond to the call in the near future, or at the next [tenure] of twenty weeks, as I am very desirous of preforming any duty required at my hands, that will assist in training the Youth of Zion Yours in the Gospel of peace Mrs L Gustafson


View selected events in the two months surrounding this date in Wilford Woodruff's life.

Wilford meets with temple presidents to harmonize the endowment ceremony in all four operating temples.

Aug 18, 1893