Day in the Life

Nov 29, 1893

Journal Entry

November 29, 1893 ~ Wednesday

29 I met with several of Twelve in the morning we
listoned to the Reading of a lecture of Professor Talmage
on doctrin was visitage by M W Merrill


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Talmage, James Edward
21 Sep 1862 - 27 Jul 1933
Merrill, Marriner Wood
25 Sep 1832 - 6 Feb 1906
164 mentions

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Letter from Emma Georgianna Fidler Littig, 29 November 1893

Mr Wilford Woodruff. Dear Sir: I saw an article in the Democrat speaking of the Choir coming from Utah to compete for the prize at the Worlds fair. The reason I write I had two Uncles that went from Council Bluffs in 1844 to Utah and round Cape Horn to Sanfrancisco

Letter from Alfred Gadd, 29 November 1893

Nephi Presendent Wilford Woodruff Dear Brother I accept the mission I have been called to; I am willing to do what I can in my humble way for the furtherance of the cause of truth. I will be at the Historians Ooffice at the time appointed if all is well Your Brother in the Gospel Alfred Gadd T. H. G. Parkes Bp 2nd Ward of Nephi All right. J. F. S.

Letter from Ephraim Yeates, 29 November 1893

Millville President Wilford Woodruff In as much as I have been called to go to the Southern States on a mission; I feel in that as in many other things, that you have the right to call men to work in the Ministry, although the way seems dark and little chance of raising the money; but I belive the Lord can bless us if we put our trust in him. And my present feelings are to go and fulfil that mission Ephraim Yeates Geo O Pitkin Bp I hope he will succeed. J. F. S.

Letter from Ephraim Yeates, 29 November 1893

Letter from Mads Frederik Hansen, 29 November 1893

Bear River City President, Wilford Woodruff. Dear Brother: Your letter of 23nd inst. to hand and contents noted regar- ding a call made upon me to perform a Mission to Scandinavia. In reply would say that I would like to be excused for the reason that I have yet two years to live on my Homstead before I can get my title to the land, hoping that at the expiration of said time I may be found worthy and more ^better^ prepared to perform my Mission or any other duty that I will be called to perform

Letter from James Larsen, 29 November 1893

Logan Dear Brother Woodruff, I recavied your letter of the 15th of Nov. calling me on a mission too Scandinava. to start from Salt Lake City on the 16th of Dec. I have delayed my answer on account of not having the monney. But have a chance of borrowing some at present. I will therfor be willing and ready to go at that time and do the best I can. Your Brother in the Gospel, James Larsen. Robert Davidson Am sorry he has to borrow. J. F. S.

Letter from Rasmüs Rasmüssen, 29 November 1893

Prest Willford Woodruff Dear Bro I have received yours of of Nov 20 Notifying mee that I have ben called on a mission to Scandinavia I am willing to go and do the best I can, I am a poor man and monney is hard to get. I will try and be on hand at the Propper time yours Rastus Rasmusen Geo. O. Pitkin Bp good. J. F. S.

Letter from Parley Pratt Christison, 29 November 1893

Nephi President Wilford Woodruff, Dear Brother. Yours of the 24th was received with much surprise and in reply I am sorry to inform you that my present circumstances will not permit of my going at present. Financial- ly I am in very poor circumstan- ces I have a small family of five in number who have to depend upon my days labor ^for^ support, as I have no farm nor no steady occupation other than teaming. I am thankful and esteem it a great privilege to be counted worthy of being called to go forth to the nations of the earth to teach the everlasting gospel


View selected events in the two months surrounding this date in Wilford Woodruff's life. Click on the dates to jump to that day in Wilford Woodruff's journal.

Wilford meets with temple presidents to harmonize the endowment ceremony in all four operating temples.

Nov 29, 1893